"Russian Applied Chemistry Research Center" Federal State Unitary Enterprise
The history of "Russian Applied Chemistry Research Center" is closely tied to the creation and development of the Russian chemical industry.
The Center was founded by decree of the Soviet government in January, 1919 as the Russian Applied Chemistry Institute. Prominent Russian scientists academicians N.S. Kurnakov and V.N. Ipatiev acted as the institute's founders.
The traditions of the Russian school of chemistry, as well as the institute specialists' scientific potential, soon allowed to create industrial technologies supplying the country with home-made phosphorus, potassium chlorate, potassium manganate, electrochemical manganese dioxide and other types of necessary chemical resources. Facilities for the production of cyanides, floating reactants and artificial chloroprene resin were also created. The solution of the problem of obtaining pure aluminum oxide layed the foundation of the country's aluminum industry.
A number of works begun at the institute led to the development of major new research directions that were later shared with specialized science research institutes, such as the State High Pressure Institute, the National Synthetic Resin Research Institute, the National Institute of Magnesium and Aluminum, the Institute of Iodine and Bromine Industries, the Chlorine Institute and the Halogen Processing (??) Institute.
The development of the country's energetics, avation, space technology, machine-building and microelectronic industries required new chemical products, which determined the profile of the institute's research and applied science works.
Over the years of its development the State Applied Chemistry Institute has become a large research and production association involved in developments in the area of basic organic synthesis of fluoride-containing organic substances, of amines, peroxides, catalysts, etc.
Facilities for the production of a wide assortment of drugs marked with radioactive or stable isotopes (over 2,000 items) were created on the basis of the institute's Experimental Factory Association.
Works related to the construction of space machines of various purposes and of transportation systems ("Vostok", "Proton", "Zenit" and "Energiya") received a high acclaim.
At the present time "Applied Chemistry" Research Center consists of the State Institute of Applied Chemistry, of a Project Institute (http://www.giph.spb.ru/), of the Experimental Factory and of a branch in Perm with analogous structure.
The Center possesses highly qualified personnel and prepares specialists for scientific and industrial organizations. 6 Accomplished Scientists and Technologists of Russia, 27 laureates of the State and Lenin awards, an acting member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 40 academicians and corresponding members of a number of Russia's technical academies and about 500 Candidates and Doctors of Science are working at "Applied Chemistry".
"Applied Chemisrty" Research Center harmoniously combines fundamental and applied science research in the areas of science and technology, in ecological and operational safety of chemical enterprises, in chemical research associated with the defense and aerospace complexes. It is involved in conversion, in the functioning of flexible rebuildable low-tonnage chemical production facilities, in the design of chemical production facilities, in the creation of experimental machinery.
"Applied Chemistry" has an extensive experience in the development of hydrogen peroxide, phenylhydrazine, benzotrifluoride, 3- and 4-dichloraniline, mono-, di- and triethanolamines and catalyst production facilities.
The development of chemical support for technological laser devices with the generation of CO? and eximer XeF and KrF molecules has become one of the research center's significant achievements in the past years.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor A.G. Bazanov is the present-day General Director of "Russian Applied Chemistry Research Center" federal state unitary enterprise.
Russian "Applied Chemistry" Research Center
197198, St. Petersburg, Dobrolyubov Street, 14
Tel.: (7-812) 325-6645
Fax: (7-812) 325-6648
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