Ananchenko Aleksei Yurievich
Architect, photographer, artist.
Specialist in the area of construction and restoration in the historical center of St. Petersburg.
Age: 46.
Education: St. Petersburg Arts Academy's Architectural Faculty; Social Professions University's Faculty of Photography.
Work experience: 22 years.
Family status: married, has two children.
Member of Russia's Architects' Association since 1984.
Born on April 30, 1955 in the city of Zhigulevsk, to a family of construction engineers working at the construction site of Kuibyshev Hydroelectric Station on the Volga. His childhood and school years were spent in Zhigulevsk and in Stavropol-on-Volga (modern-day Togliatti).
After graduating from school at the age of 17, Aleksei Ananchenko was admitted to the Faculty of Architecture at Leningrad's Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin (also known as the Arts Academy). He graduated from it with honors in 1978. Graduated from the Faculty of Photography at People's Institute of Social Professions in 1979.
A. Ananchenko has been a practicing architect since 1978 until today. His main works are devoted to issues of reconstruction of the historical center of St. Petersburg. The spectrum of his creative and professional interests is very broad. It includes:
- City planning concepts and proposals on the reconstruction of housing quarters and larger-size historical building areas;
- Reconstruction and restoration of historical buildings and landmarks, construction of new housing and public buildings in the central districts of the city;
- Design of interior spaces and of individual building facades;
- Consultations on issues of real estate utilization in the historical center of St. Petersburg.
A number of more significant works can be highlighted among others carried out by A. Ananchenko over the years of his work career, such as:
- Proposals on the reconstruction of quarter #130 on Nevsky Prospect (1989), which became the basis for the reconstruction of the quarter carried out at the present with the use of World Bank for Reconstruction and Development sponsorship;
- Reconstruction and restoration of administrative building on Nevsky Prospect, 8 (architectural landmark), 1989-1991;
- Restoration and design of the Samoilov artistic dynasty's memorial museum (a part of "Nevsky Palace" hotel complex), 1990-1991;
- Reconstruction, restoration and new construction in the complex of administrative buildings on Dostoyevsky Street, 19 (1990-1993);
- The project of placing the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly's hotel in a historical building on Shpalernaya Street, 53 (1994-1995, in cooperation with the Austrian-Yugoslav BMA+T firm);
- Reconstruction and restoration of architectural landmark building on Nevsky Prospect, 30, with subsequent placement of an international business center at this site (1993-1995);
- Construction of a new economical apartment building at a historical quarter on Vyborgskaya Street, 10;
- Reconstruction of an elite apartment building on Stremyannaya Street, 16 (1998-1999);
- Reconstruction and restoration of an architectural landmark building on Nevsky Prospect, 98, with subsequent placement of a business trade center in it (still in process).
Aside from architectural practice, Aleksei Ananchenko is actively involved in professional contests (participated in over 30 contests) and in researching the theoretical issues of construction and restoration (over 10 publications in various periodicals). He was one of the creators a legal document on architectural design and reconstruction in St. Petersburg's historical districts.
Aleksei Yurievich dedicates his spare time to activities that complement his main area of professional interest: painting and photography. All works published by Ananchenko are accompanied by his photographs and drawings. His photographic and water-color landscapes preserve the appearance of his favorite places in his beloved city for ages to come, and sometimes reflect significant cultural events. In 1983 a Faberge Fund exhibition in the Hermitage was accompanied by a booklet made according to A.Yu. Ananchenko's drawings and water-colors.
Combining various kinds of creative activity allows Aleksei Ananchenko to continuously come up with new forms of artistic expressiveness, merging modern influences with historical reminiscences characteristic of old St. Petersburg.
Aleksei Ananchenko's photo album
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