Begijanov Vyacheslav Eduardovich
Born on March 7, 1944 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Admitted to the Krasnodar Art College in 1957 and graduated from it in 1964. His first exhibition in Krasnodar took place in 1967. The artist has been working in the linocut printing technique during this time period. Since 1967 until the present he has been a regular participant of art exhibits in the Soviet Union, Russia, the U.S. and in countries of Europe. Admitted into the St. Petersburg Academy's of Applied Arts Commercial Graphics Faculty in 1970 and graduated from it in 1976. Became a member of the Leningrad Department of the U.S.S.R. Artists' Association.
Major works, 1967 - 2000:
1980 - 30 illustrations to Carlo Gozzi's "Fairy Tales" (gouache, tempera), "Literary Fiction" ("Khudozhestvennaya Literatura") publishers, Moscow.
1982 - 30 illustrations to Francois Villon's "Great Testament" (gouache, tempera), "Book" publishers, Moscow.
1983 - 35 illustrations (Indian ink, pen) to "Spanish Poetry" (17th century), "Literary Fiction", Leningrad.
1984 - 40 illustrations (pencil on paper) to "Library in a Garden", a collection of excerpts by Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance authors about books. "Book", Moscow.
2000 - 60 illustrations (pencil on paper) to "Euripides' Theatre", "Ivan Limbach's Publishers", St. Petersburg.
V.E. Begijanov has also created graphics on the following literary topics:
1973 - "Satyricon" by Petronius, 10 subjects, 25 X 25 cm, xylography.
1974 - Ovid, 5 subjects, 10 X 15 cm, xylography.
1974 - Edgar Poe, 5 subjects, 20 X 20 cm, xylography.
1975 - A.S. Pushkin, 10 subjects, 10 X 15 cm, xylography.
1975 - John Keats, 5 subjects, 15 X 10 cm, xylography.
1976 - G.G. Marquez, 10 subjects, 20 X 25, xylography.
1976 - Carlo Gozzi, 20 subjects, 80 X 100 cm, color linocut.
1977 - Walter Scott, 15 subjects, 50 X 35 cm, color linocut.
1978 - "Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov, 25 subjects, 5 pieces 30 X 45 cm, 20 pieces 30 X 20 cm, xylography.
1979 - Carlo Gozzi, 25 subjects. 40 X 80 cm, color gouache.
1980 - "100 Years of Solitude" by G.G. Marquez, 15 color etchings, 50 X 40 cm.
1986 - "Divine Comedy" by Dante, 50 subjects, 10 pieces 35 X 50 cm, 40 pieces 35 X 25 cm, pencil on paper.
2000 - Euripides, 60 subjects, 50 X 60 cm, pencil on paper.
1969-2000. Ex libris, 100 subjects, xylography.
Aside from this, V.E. Begijanov works in all areas of graphic arts, in all techniques and sizes. He paints in oil and tempera and creates watercolors of all sizes. His paintings on Classical Antiquity subjects range in scale from miniatures to canvases 3 by 40 meters in size.
He started working in the area of applied arts, such as tapestry and hand weaving, in 1980. His tapestries were presented at numerous exhibitions in Russia and Europe. A total of 40 tapestries were created by V.E. Begijanov.
The following ones were done especially for interior space designs:
1983 - "Theater" tapestry, 3 X 3 meters, Gatchina (a cultural center in the suburbs of St. Petersburg).
1985 - two tapestries, "Good" and "Evil" (3.5 X 5 m each), for the Russian Drama Theater in Gomel, Belorussia.
1988-1995 - tapestries in the building of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences' Presidium, foyer and conference hall.
V.E. Begijanov has created 16 tapestries 2.6 by 4.6 meters in size on the topics of Classical mythology.
He has also made frescoes, mosaics and reliefs during different periods of his career, published articles in various periodicals and conducted T.V. programs on artistic matters. He participated in 200 exhibitions over the period from 1967 to 2000. V.E. Begijanov has lived in St. Petersburg since 1969.
Vyacheslav Begijanov's photo album
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