Popov, Vladimir Vasilyevich
Honourary Architect of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the St. Petersburg Architects Union and Member of the Presidium of the Russian Architects Union.
Awarded the "Sign of Honour" Order.
Born in 1928 in Leningrad.
Graduated from the Architectural Faculty of the Leningrad Engineering and Building Institute in 1951. Then undertook his post-graduate studies and worked at the Leningrad Branch of the USSR Building and Architecture Academy.
Since 1957, has been working at "Lenproject" research Institute and at the Leningrad Architecture and Planning Headquarters. Has held all the positions at "Lenproject" Institute (from the ordinary architect to the Head of the architectural-designing office).
For 19 years has been working as Deputy Chief Architect of Leningrad and as Deputy Chief Architect of the Leningrad Architecture and Planning Headquarters (now City Designing and Building Committee).
Then, from 1986, headed the Project Department of "Lenproject" Institute designing large public sporting and medical complexes. At present he is the Chief Architect of "Lenproject" Institute.
Authored, participated and headed more than 50 building projects in Leningrad (St.Petersburg) and in its suburbs (projects of a detailed lay-out, residential districts, squares and other city designing complexes, and also projects of habitable and public buildings).
The Victory and Constitution squares, apartment houses in Moskovsky district and at Ligovsky and Grazhdansky prospects, Leningrad River Station, the building of "Hydroproject" Institute are among his well-known projects.
Designing his projects Popov V.V. used the means of synthesis of architecture and monumental art. He cooperated the projects of a musical school in Moskovsky district and "Obukhovo" underground station with artists. Besides he authored the general composition and architectural part of Lenin's monuments in Simferopol and Ruzayevka, and of Lermontov's monument in Penza.
Participated and won in different architectural contests.
Has been a member of the Leningrad- St.Petersburg City Planning and Building Council for 30 years, a member of its Presidium for 24 years, and its Deputy Chairman for 12 years.
Teachers at the architectural faculties of high schools.
Fulfils the administrative work.
From 1968 to 1979 worked as a senior lecturer at the Leningrad Engineering and Building Institute (now University) and at present is a professor and a trainer at the Repin Painting , Sculpture and Architecture Institute of the Russian Academy of Arts.
He is a member of the Scientific Council there. A great number of students who trained under Prof. Popov are well-known and work successfully in St.Petersburg and other cities.
Full member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building.
Academician and Member of the Academic Council of Moscow Part of the International Academy of Arts.
Since 1955 has been a member of the Russian Architects Union.
Chairman of the St.Petersburg Architects Union and a member of the Presidium of the Russian Architects Union.
Member of the President Commission on the State Prizes in the field of Literature and Arts.
Awarded the "Sign of Honour" Order and four medals for creative and public activity.
Honourary Architect of Russian Federation.
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