Sautov Ivan Petrovich
Director of the State Reservation Museum "Tsarskoye Selo". Born on
September 16, 1947 in Tallinn, Estonia, in a military officer's family.
Graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute,
specializing in Architecture.
His 27 years of uninterrupted work have been devoted to theoretical
and practical activities aimed at the preservation and restoration of
St. Petersburg's and its suburbs' architectural landmarks.
Having for 13 years headed the State Inspection for Landmark
Preservation, Sautov has made significant contributions to the inclusion
of new buildings in the lists of landmarks protected by state law, to the
development of special protection zones and zones of regulated construction,
to the introduction of new protection categories, and the perfection of
related legislature.
I.P. Sautov has in 1984 been awarded the golden National Achievements
His architect's talents and leadership qualities have manifested
themselves when he was unanimously elected Director of the "Tsarskoye Selo"
Museum in 1987.
Since Mr. Sautov's appointment, "Tsarskoye Selo" became one of the
largest sites of restoration work in Russia. Its goal is the preservation of
restored masterpieces in museum conditions, the development of museum
infrastructure and the introduction of an alarm system that would guard
Catherine's Palace and park pavillions. The alarm system is characterized
by high technological advancement and the use of modern computer control
The museum's functioning is to a large degree a result of its
Director's energy and devotion. New exposition areas and exhibits are
constantly opened up, international ties are being established, commercial
projects are under development.
Among the museum's projects is the re-opening of Alexander's Palace
with the exposition called "Memories of the Palace", the restoration of the
"Chinese Village" complex in co-operation with the Danish "TK Development
Pushkin" company (the only project in Russia's culture with 100% Western
sponsorship), the signing of an agreement for $3.5 million sponsorship with
"Rhurgas Akziengesellschaft", the completion of the Amber Chamber restoration.
For achievements in preservation and restoration activities, I.P. Sautov
was awarded the Order of Friendship by 1997 President's decree.
I.P. Sautov is the first representative of the Russian culture
to receive the Order of St. Daniel of Moscow, an award of the Russian Orthodox
Professor Sautov is Advisor to the Manager of the President's Affairs,
Advisor at the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction.
In 1997 Sautov became a laureate of the Russian Federation State Award.
He is widely recognized both in Russia and abroad, 100 of his
professional articles and 60 essays were published in Russia, the U.S.,
Japan, France, Germany and other countries.
Sautov is a member of Russia's Architects Association's Board of
Directors, of the Scientific Methodological Council of the Russian Ministry of
Culture, of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg Culture Fund, of the Russian
Committee on the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and of other
professional organizations of St. Petersburg.
His innovative work and everyday heroism is devoted to the eternal
purpose of preserving Russia's culture for future generations.
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