Zaparenko Viktor Stepanovich
Painter-illustrator, designer.
He was born in November, 26th in 1951 in Leningrad in the family of a hereditary military man. He studied at the art school and the college. After the secondary school in Ryazan he entered the Ryazanskoe High command technical communication school named after Marshal Zakharov. He graduated from the technical school in 1972. After that he served in the army, studied in The Leningrad Military communication Academy named after S. Budenniy. After the academy he received the rank of the chief lieutenant in 1978. Later Mr. Zaparenko was connected with the Headquarters Central Intelligence Department. He served in many different places , studied at the special courses near Moscow. In 1986 he became a lieutenant colonel. In 1988 he worked as a deputy commander of the military unit. Mr. Zaparenko is very charming with women and silent with men .He has a very good memory and instant reaction. He is a good person to talk to and he can listen to people. Mr. Zaparenko is very hardworking and he prefers everything to come to an end.
In 1992 he finished his service. He left the army and the Communist Party because of his ideological positions . He began to study at the director's courses of the scenario writers and animators in the studio " Troitzkiy Most" under the leadership of I. Maslenikov. His teachers were V. Aksenov, U. Narshtein, I. Boyarskiy, E. Nazarov and other masters of the cinematography. He actively cooperates with the magazines " Teleweek" and " Operativnoye prikrytie".
He has been in business since 1994. He developed the exterior design for the military equipment for the factory " Signal", the package, trade marks for various companies. Mr. Zaparenko is fond of chess and he cuts out the figurines for chess by himself. These figurines may be considered the museum exhibits. His latest set of chess was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the foundation of St. Petersburg.
He thinks his main business is printing. He illustrated about 100 books. His first author's book was published in 1990 , its printing was 100 000 and the book had a great success. His author's books-games were published in 1994 with printing over 400 000 copies ( 12 books were published and 12 other books are planned ) and they are protected by the patent of the Russian Federation Patent Committee and the trade marks. In 1998 the printings of his illustrated books exceeded 1000 000 copies.
Mr. Zaparenko likes speed driving, water sports, non - traditional hunting and fishing. He has mastered different design programs in computer. He likes classical and modern music and he prefers V. Visotskiy and the Beetles. He smokes and almost does not drink alcohol except the French "Martel" and Martini Bianco.
Why are his books so popular?
Every his book is:
- your child is guaranteed being busy for 100 hours.
- a new and fascinating game with the heroes from children's favorite tales
- the interesting world which is full of unusual events you participate in
- this is something new you don't know yet
Think about how little time we give to our children in our everyday life. Give this book to your child and you will be surprised by the results.
The last series of the books-games, published by the Publishing House " NEVA" was created on the basis of the best children's literature. In this series everybody will find something interesting for himself. You will be involved in the fascinating and fantastic world of tales and you will take part in the game. You will be attracted by the intricate logical tasks, exciting subject matter, fantastic labyrinths, word games, crossword puzzles, useful information and many other things which you did not know or did not pay attention to. The mastered material will help a child to become independent, self-confident in the future.
The used material helps to develop memory, keenness of observation, cleverness and abilities to think . It teaches to concentrate your attention on the main things and not to miss small things, to appreciate the time and to understand the space. Also it helps to make the right choice and to make a decision , stimulates to read books and to love them.
The new playing series of books is for children of 4-13 years old. Though when the children are sleeping their parents can hardly share this book among themselves. They try to understand how their child easily copes with the tasks.
These books will draw together your family, will help your children to have a look at the world of adults . And adults will be able to come back to their childhood at least for a short while.
Of course, you child will ask you a lot of questions and sometimes he will set a task for you. Don't be afraid - you will find all answers at the end of the book.
Nobody will be indifferent to this book. Play together with your family!
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