Zhuk, Alexander Vladimirovich
Architect. Full Member of the Academy of Arts and the International Academy of Architecture.
Honourary Member of the Academy of Architecture and Building.
Born June 18, 1917 in Kiev into the family of an accountant. In 1930 the family, i.e. parents and two sisters, moved to Leningrad.
Having left his primary school(the former 'Peterschule') in 1934, he passed the entrance examinations for the Architectural faculty of the Russian Academy of Arts. In 1940 he finished training under the academician Rudnev and became an architect.
In autumn 1940 he was called up. Served as a sapper in Lviv when the World War II began. Survived the horrors of the beginning of the War. Was among the thousands of victims who fought in Defence and then were tragically forced to retreat. Fought near Kiev. Was wounded. Made prisoner. Escaped. Hid in villiges on the occupied territory whilst healing his wounded arm. Moved to the southeast hoping to find his troops but in wain. Survived. In the end he was able to pass to the part of the troops only in the Northern Caucasus at the beginning of 1943was exiled to a special NKVD camp in Georgievka. Having been checked up was released because of wounds. Was WW II Invalid. ("The Beginning"- a part of his memories from those years, was published in three issues of "Neva-95" magazine).
In 1944 he returned to Leningrad. Started working at the "LenProject" Institute as an architect. Worked there for 50 years. In 1952 was appointed to train future architects. A great number of projects and buildings were undertaken during his work at the "LenProject" Institute. A number of residential districts and separate houses, the Young Spectator Theatre (1 thousand seats), a bridge across the Neva (architectural part), the concert hall "October" (4 thousand seats), "Pulkovo I" airport (State Prize of the USSR), two hotels for government delegations, four underground stations, the House of Cinema, etc.
Full Member of the Academy of Arts and the International Academy of Architecture.
Honourary Member of the Academy of Architecture and Building.
People's Deputy (1989).
National Architect of the USSR .
Since 1987 has been the Chair of Architecture of the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts and since 1972 has also been training students.
Married. Hopes to celebrate his 60th wedding anniversary with his wife.
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