Belova Marina Albertovna
Director General, Elix Co.
Born in 1963, in Leningrad, in a family of engineers.
In 1981 entered the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics. During five years successfully combined studies, public work, mountain and rock climbing. In 1987 graduated from the institute with a speciality “Optoelectron devices”. Started her labour activity as a design engineer at a plant “Pribor”.
In 1988 finished school of alpinism trainers and got a degree of Candidate for Master of Alpinism Sports.
Due to delivering children, the first in 1990 and the second two years later, stopped her labour activity for a while, continuing to keep up with activities in Russia.
In 1995 worked in a building company Severnoye RSO as a painter-plasterer, to study construction and finishing works, in a year - in a building company Victoria as a foreman. Having shown her worth was soon appointed Deputy Director of General Questions, and in 1998 - a Chief Executive of Victoria Co.
In 1999 Elix company was established, Belova being one of the founders. Unanimously Belova was elected the Director General.
When a priority direction of the company’s business activity had been chosen (installation of cable heating systems), she was one of the first that studied in the European Engineering Centre of Raychem corporation and got a certificate of designing and installation of these systems.
In 1999 took courses on technology and usage of Ranilla roofing systems in Ranilla Steel company.
In 2000 Elix became an official distributor of Tyco Flow Control Raychem HTS corporation (USA) in the North-West Region of Russia.
The company carries out designing, installation, adjustment, commissioning and guarantee service of self-regulating electrical heating systems, both of building and industry purpose, based on heating cables Raychem HTS, as well as general construction works.
Offering products of Tyco Flow Control Raychem HTS corporation to a wide clientele, Belova is sure that the future is up to such technologies. Not for nothing specialists call self-regulating cables “thinking” ones.
The systems allow to solve a lot of constructing and manufacturing problems. Among the customers of Elix Co. are enterprises of food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry, oil-production and oil-refining plants; ice mound protection systems are mounted on the roofs of the most large St. Petersburg museums.
Belova pays much attention to building systems. “Every day we pass by buildings constructed by outstanding architects, and, absorbed in our daily routine, we don’t notice the time and severe Petersburg climate destroying these architectural monuments. And this is our history, our cultural heritage, so our common duty is to preserve the beauty of the city for our descendants” - she says. Systems of roof electrical heating allow to protect bearing structures and facades from destruction to the maximum, which is especially important in the historical center of the city, where restoration works are quite expensive, to say nothing about damaging the historical image of a building, which is hard to be restored completely.
Having rather big experience in house-building, she is also closely acquainted with the newest construction technologies and modern construction materials. She is respected by her colleagues as a perspective, wise and fair manager, capable to make rational and operative decisions.
Her spare time she spends travelling, rock-climbing, mountain-climbing, skiing and growing exotic plants under home conditions.
An opinion of a stranger: “Even time runs faster in her presence...”
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