Ivanov Sergey Yuryevich
Director General of the Information Resources Agency, a member of the St. Petersburgers Worldwide Club.
Born in Leningrad in May, 1954. Childhood was spent on Vasilyevsky island. Ever since I remember myself, I could always see a vast expanse of water through the window. At first - Neva, then a bay with the Kronstadt cathedral looming on the horizon.
As a schoolboy, read a great number of books and watched a lot of films. Never bothered myself with studies. I liked theatre, music and circus. I have always been impressed by talents and abilities of art people, writers, composers, actors, sportsmen...
In 1972 entered the Popov Naval Collage of Radio Electronics. The Academy was situated in a beautiful place - New Peterhoff. Fountains. Squirrels in the Lower Park. Dates and walks with the beloved.
Married in 1975. My wife's name is Maria. She is still my only love. Our son was born in 1976.
Since 1977 to 1996 served in the Northern Navy, with a two-year break for study in the Academy.
Started service as an engineer. The mistrust to classical interpretation of physics laws and the necessity of solving complex technical problems encouraged an intensive creative process. This resulted in more than 50 introduced inventions and technical decisions, more than 20 scientific publications.
After the Academy creative activity turned into a hobby. I had to be in command of many people and to learn social psychology in practice.
Retired as a captain in 1996.
First acquaintance with Internet in 1996. Exaltation. Since then it has been the main hobby, and also the main occupation.
The adaptation to civil life was short but painful, firstly for the family. But professional knowledge of computer and belief in success helped.
In 1997 founded a firm engaged in complex information support of business and in Internet-projects realization. Of two commercial projects one is for my private satisfaction. Non-profit projects account for one-third of all projects. More than 40 sites have been developed, including "official sites" of St. Petersburg.
The firm's achievements:
- Development and complex support of several large economic and socially significant projects.
- Effective Public Relations activity for several leading companies (mass-media, Internet, exhibitions). More than 100 companies including the leading enterprises of Saint-Petersburg are the clients of the Agency.
- Laid the foundation for a uniform informational space of the Russian North-West region.
- The Agency got the status of the Saint-Petersburg Administration's operating firm that provides informational support of investment programs (www.investor.spb.ru) and programs of inter-regional cooperation (www.kvs.spb.ru), image projects and programs of city's value (www.ceo.spb.ru, petersburgcity.com, www.wwclub.spb.ru).
- Effective realisation of own projects, including the all-Russian projects "The Russian ship-building portal" (supervised by academician V.M. Pashin), the project dedicated to the ritual sphere and culture of memory "Requiem.ru", the Petersburg Social portal.
Work in the information and telecommunications industries gives the opportunity to form informational space, which creates favourable conditions for intellectual development and spiritual evolution for each person. Both for those who work in Internet, and for those who only use it.
The main goal is introduction of Saint-Petersburg to the world. Seven thematic internet-projects, created and supported by the Agency, form the interconnected English-language informational space - a virtual frame for our beautiful city.
Why am I doing it?
I love Leningrad, I know and feel it.
I love my fellow countrymen and I want them to know and understand themselves and each other.
I know, that there is mistrust to Russia and Russians in the world.
Why? Look at the Petersburg sites, read about the participants of the project "Personalities of Saint-Petersburg". They are worthy and remarkable people. And thousands, not less worthy, live in our city. Offer them your hand.
Informational Resources Agency
29, Odoevskogo st/, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199397
Phone: (812) 303-85-61
Phone/fax: (812) 303-90-22
URL: http://www.air.spb.ru
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