ERICON SOFT enterprise has been founded in 1992 by Vladimir Makarov and Aleksandr Panin. It was first involved in the development and production of control devices for connecting various technical equipment to personal computers, as well as in developing appropriate software for these purposes. These works were mostly oriented towards various high-technology production processes related to the manufacturing of micromodules and printed circuits. RASTR-R complex, created on the basis of RAKORD raster photo plotter, made by the Radio Technical Equipment Factory in Gomel, Belorussia, was one of the company's chief developments at that time. The complex allows the production of photo templates for printed circuits and micromodules with a discreteness of 25 microns and a precision of 0.01%. At that time, this was practically the only alternative to imported analogues available to Russian customers, and it was in a much lower price category. These complexes have been introduced at dozens of enterprises of Russia, from the Baltics to the Urals. In 1993 ERICON SOFT became a stock holder of Novgorod's JSC TRANSVIT that it had alreday established intensive business ties with. At that time, the enterprise began to re-orient itself towards the production of high quality printed circuits on the basis of TRANSVIT's production shop. A flexible infrastructure was created, which included marketing, design of the plates, operative preparation and production itself. Over a short period of time the enterprise achieved the reputation of a reliable provider of printed circuits in St. Petersburg. The emphasis was made on mastering new technology and new methods of production organization, from technical data intake to the output of finished products to the consumer. Active contacts with foreign firms involved in the same area of activity played their role in the organization of production at ERICON SOFT.
These contacts allowed the enterprise to begin outputting new products of real European quality, in accordance with PERFAG standard. ERICSON SOFT's high quality of printed circuits and reliability of supplies aroused interest in some foreign electronics producers, and now ERICON SOFT is one of Russia's few exporters of printed circuits to Western Europe. But the company's main efforts are spent on satisfying the demands of Russian electronics producers. And St. Petersburg is, naturally, the enterprise's chief marketplace. Such well-known city enterprises as Leningrad Industrial Science Research Institute of Communications, "Red Dawn" factory, MULTICOM, ARGUS-SPECTRE, "Take-off" ("Vzlet"), MTA and Russian Telephone Company are among ERICON SOFT's clients.
ERICON SOFT supplies single-sided, double-sided and multi-layer printed circuits of practically all degrees of complexity. Various types of masking finishes are offered, as well as various techniques of copper passivation and of processing the printed circuits' surfaces. Investments into new equipment for singular or small-series production have been made to increase the circuits' throughput.
Aside from its main area of activity, ERICON SOFT company is also involved in charities. Those are mostly directed donations to support handicapped children. The company has been repeatedly awarded "Golden Pelican" Charity Fund's honorary diplomas for its charitable activities.
Contact information:
ERICON SOFT Limited Responsibilty Association
191040, St. Petersburg, Ligovsky Prospect, 56-B
Tel.: 7(812)164-0372, 164-9033, 162-5005
Fax.: 164-9133
E-mail: ericon@dux.ru
ERICON SOFT company's photo album
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