Malenkovich Irina Vladimirovna
Principal of educational centre "Connessans".
Was born in Leningrad. In 1988 graduated from the philological faculty of the University. Worked in Polytechnical Institute, in Institute of Foreign Languages. Then started her own business. Speaks English, Spanish and French. Has two children.
In 1994 Irina organized an educational centre "Connessans". From the very beginning the aim of the centre was not only to teach people, but also to employ them. This task appeared to be not easy. However within half a year this purpose was achieved. Today "Connessans" offers more than 30 syllabuses and prepares personnel of 15 professions. The personnel centre of "Connessans" finds jobs for the graduates free-of-charge. Today "Connessans" offers you the following courses:
- Foreign languages (from English to Japanese),
- PC User,
- Computer design and make-up,
- Repair and modernization of PC,
- Book keeping,
- Personnel Manager,
- Advertising Manager,
- Businessman,
- Secretary,
- Office-manager,
- Hairdresser,
- Manicurist,
- Seller-cashier,
- Waiter-barman,
- Cook-confectioner.
- Soon some more specialities will be added:
- Top-manager,
- Driver,
- Travel agency operator,
- Governess.
Educational centre "Connessans"
Address: 27, 128, Nevsky prospect, Saint-Petersburg, 193036.
Phone/fax: 7-(812)-271-31-26, 324 69 67
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