Mirilashvili Konstantin Mikhailovich
President of "Euroservice" Corporation.
Born in May 1961 in the Georgian village of Kulashi (Samtred district). Trees used for silkworm cultivation have been grown on the Kolkhida plain for ages, and this allowed the Kulashi Textile Factory to produce natural silk clothes. Konstantin's grandfather Gabriel Mikhailovich has worked as the factory's Director for a long time. He was greatly respected by Georgian fellow citizens. Konstantin's father Mikhail Gabrielovich worked as Chief Engineer at the same factory.
It was a part of the family's tradition to work hard, to develop one's enterprise skills, and also to love one's neighbors heartily and care for them according to the religious commandments. Konstantin is very grateful to his parents. They have taught all their children that all of a man's well-being and sorrows depend on his spiritual state and moral behavior, and, not less important, on the firmness of his spirit in his pusuit of an established goal. These values are still helping Konstantin in his life and career.
After graduating from a local secondary school with a gold medal, he hoped to become a children's doctor and decided to enroll in the Leningrad Pediatrics Institute. But, after a period of reforms had started in Russia, he became involved in the cooperative movement. At first he created a private enterprise in fashion clothes tailoring. He invested all of his revenue into further business development. This allowed him to organize "Euroservice" by the year 1991, and to begin selling European clothes and carpets in the city's large department stores. The company then began to assemble and sell personal computers. After a while it mastered a new field, the wholesale supplies of food and industrial products to Russia. These have been the years of hard work, learning, successes and failures, discouragement and inspiration.
At the present time, "Euroservice" Corporation is an association of firms and enterprises working in Russia and more than ten other countries. Members of the Corporation hold stocks of twelve sugar factories and three flour mills, of an aluminum foil plant, of several fish-processing facilities, of a furniture production facility, of various housing construction projects, of "Frunzensky" and "Large Gostiny Dvor" department stores, of a number of restaurants, including a network of fast-food restaurants. The Corporation carries out several large-scale construction projects. Among other things it conducts the construction of 70,000 square meters of shopping and entertainment complexes, of a promising pharmaceutical project in cooperation with the Hydrolysis Institute. It also works on a number of high-technology projects (including software development). Today the company is involved in the development of advertisement, hotel and real estate business.
The Corporation is based on a unity of philosophical principles and ethical values of its members, who share a set of views concerning a private enterprise's rights and responsibilities to society and fellow citizens.
"Euroservice" participates in important charity projects and economic programs in St. Petersburg as well as in the rest of Russia. It provides independent sponsorship to projects related to the support of children's institutions and medical facilities. The company also sponsors sports teams. This is an area of Mr. Mirilashvili's special attention and constant personal involvement.
K.M. Mirilashvili is married. His wife is a pharmacologist, she participates in the realization of the Corporation's social projects.
His son is a schoolboy who is fond of computers. He dreams of going to Harvard one day.
A Yorkshire terrier named Willie, given to Mirilashvili by the singer Iosif Kobzon, is the family's pet.
K.M. Mirilashvili values his General Sponsor status, given to him by the local Children Support Fund, above all other titles and positions.
Basketball is K.M. Mirilashvili's favorite sport. He prefers to spend his free time with his son, playing soccer and tennis, or visiting the swimming-pool.
Mr. Mirilashvili loves St. Petersburg and knows the city well. He has made important contribution to the re-emergence of St. Petersburg as Russia's cultural capital.
He is a strong, willful man, who has a natural understanding of universal human ethics and who follows them strictly.
Honesty and professionalism is the formula of Konstantin Mikhailovich's success. Another element in it is faith. Faith in God and faith in the unlimited capacities of human beings who realize their high social mission and carry it out.
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