Nyago Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Born in August 1948 in Leningrad.
His father was an army officer, his mother an actress in Leningrad theaters.
After the fourth grade Aleksandr Nyago left home upon his admission to Nakhimov Military School. He was fond of radio technology in his youth. He received higher education, graduating from F.E. Dzierzhinsky Higher Naval School's First Faculty in 1972, specializing in nuclear reactor control.
A.N. Nyago served in Northern Fleet vessel unit's headquarters and at Leningrad Naval Base. He has 10 years of experience serving on above-surface ships and submarines. He participated in some long-distance voyages. Awarded six medals. In command of English.
He worked as General Director of Westlink telecommunications consulting company since 1993 till 1995. Since 1995 till 1998 he was General Director of JSC "North-Western GSM". After that he was appointed General Director of JSC "Telecominvest" by decision of its Board of Directors.
Married. His wife is a doctor at a sanitation inspection station. Has two sons. The elder son is a freshman at St. Petersburg State Technical University, the younger one a 10th grader.
A.N. Nyago lives in a 3-room apartment. He has been driving since 1963. He bought his first car ("Zhiguli", model 2101) while still serving in the Northern Fleet. After retiring from military service he exchanged it for a newer model. These days, Aleksandr Nikolayevich drives a Honda.
His hobbies include: work on weekdays, family on weekends. During his years at military school he studied karate actively. He likes playing tennis.
Member of JSC "St. Petersburg Telephone Network"'s Board of Directors, member of St. Petersburg's and Leningrad region's Telecommunications Leaders' Coordination Council.
August 2, 2001 Alexand Nygo, earlier Director General of Holding Company "Telekominvest", was appointed the President of Government Atomic Holding Company "Tvel".
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