Pastuhov, Roman Konstantinovich
President of the
Saint-Petersburg Union of Employers.
Roman Pastuhov was born in December, 30th in 1945 in Leningrad. He has a higher education. Since 1964 he worked in the Cultural Establishment in Kirovskiy factory as a teacher, art leader, director of the House of Culture "Kirovetz". In 1980 he became the director of the biggest Union Palace of Culture in the USSR, named after S. Kirov. Mr. Pastukhov was one of the first organizers of the cooperative movement in Leningrad. In 1988 he was the initiator to create the Union of Employers of the Kirovskiy district, which united more than 600 enterprises of small and medium business by 1997. And according to his initiative the St. Petersburg Union of Employers was founded in 1997. The most important events in his professional activity are: work in komsomol, soviet and Party fields, teaching activity, participation in the forming and development of business undertakings in St. Petersburg.
Mr. Pastuhov prefers to spend his free time in the country, and during his holiday he likes to travel. His hobbies are: classical music (he plays cello), playing chess. It is said that when Mr. Pastukhov employs new people he offers them to play chess and in case of worthy resistance he approves the candidates for work. His plans for the future are: further development of the Union of Employers based on principles of territorial and particular branch of field unification of the employers. He thinks his main goal is that the employers` class should find the economic strength and possibilities to influence on the political and social life of our country. And it is important to create the positive image of the Russian employer in the social consciousness.
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