General Director of "The Fourth Dimension" company. Alexei Stanislavovich Roshchin was born on December 18, 1961, in Leningrad. While in his school years he was practicing sports widely - swimming, boxing. Mostly he became outstanding in boxing to be candidate for Master in this kind of sport.
After receiving his secondary education A. S. Roshchin entered the Physical Department of the Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Later on he wrote in this field of science dozens of articles both for scientific journals and conferences. He proceeded from the Ph.D. in physics and mathematics to member of Academy of Science of New York city.
At the beginning of the 1990s A. S. Roshchin's sphere of interests entered newly operating stock market of Russia. As a result, "The Fourth Dimension" company was set up under his leadership.
The sports particulars has been changed during the recent years, now they comprise basketball, football, fishing. Football became official sports of "The Fourth Dimension". Its team consisting both of the company workers and friends of A. S. Roshchin trains regularly and annually takes part in St. Petersburg championship on mini-football.

As for fishing, it has all the chances to become the company's official hobby. In the summer of 2002, almost in full staff Roshchin's company went for a fishing trip on the Gulf of Finland. A. S. Roshchin and his colleagues go for the sportive principle in it!