Rumiantsev Maksim Robertovich
Director of the Lubavich Publishing House
Born February 6, 1963 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute's Physics and Mechanics Faculty in 1986. Worked as an engineer at the Arsenal Construction Bureau and as a journalist at a local factory paper.
The company was created in 1992, after Mr. Rumiantsev was able to earn a
starting capital during his one-month trip to the U.S. The enterprise was named after Rumiantsev's daughter and became his lifetime occupation. The business has practically
started from zero, having no equipment, no money and no connections. At first, there were
only four workers (Rumiantsev's relatives and friends) and the company dealt mainly with
black-and-white printing jobs. The owner himself performed the duties of a bookkeeper and
staff driver.
In 1994, the company has accumulated enough income to move to a space rented at
the Arsenal Machine-building Factory. New workers were hired, a license for polygraphic
practice was received.
Lubavich has always attached great importance to satisfying customers' needs to the
fullest possible extent. There have been problems with certain work orders, but the company
has never rejected any client. During 1994-96 Lubavich has grown considerably and gradually
started to turn into a relatively large publishing company. It has carried out orders from
foreign consulates, other official organizations.
As competition became harsher, the company's personnel policy has changed. The company's Director and Production Director have gone through a year-long training course
and received manager's certificates. Since then, company work has been always strictly
planned and co-ordinated, its professionalism and service quality has grown. The company's
commercial agents were trained at the International Trendsetters marketing courses.
In 1997 Lubavich has bought Polly-266, a new Czech-made printing machine. This has
opened up the opportunity for colour printing. Despite recent financial difficulties, the company is improving its techniques, carrying out orders from the Orthodox Church, museums,
children's funds and young artists. It issues a quaterly paper called "Lubavich News".
Lubavich has become known in St. Petersburg. According to statistics, it is among the city's ten best commercial printing companies.
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