"RESTEC" Exhibiting Association
RESTEC was created in 1990 and over 10 years it became one of the leading firms in Russia's exhibition business.
The main direction of the association's activity involves organizing and holding specialized international exhibits, both in Russia and abroad. The subject matter of these exhibits covers practically all areas of human activity, from sports and tourism to finance and computers. RESTEC carries out advertizing and publishing activities, conducts forums, seminars, conferences, symposiums, congresses and national exhibits.
RESTEC is a member of the International Fair Union (UFI), a member of the Association of Exhibits and Fairs of Russia, the CIS and the Baltic states, of the Trade and Industry Houses of St. Petersburg and of the Russian Federation, of the Russian-British and French-Russian Trade Houses. It is also a member of the Association for Economic Cooperation of the North-Western Territories of Russia, of the Association of Tourist Exhibits Organizers, of the World Federation of Sports Goods Producers and of a number of other associations.
Exhibits are prepared and conducted in active collaboration with the Russian Federation government agencies, such as the Ministries of Energetics, of Nuclear Power, of Natural Resources, of Education, of Economic Development and Trade, of Communications and Information Technology, of Industry, Science and Technology, of Agriculture and of Transportation, as well as the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Federation's State Committee on Construction and Housing, the Administration of St. Petersburg and the Government of Leningrad region.
In our work we cooperate closely with a number of international and foreign organizations, including embassies, consulates, trade and industry houses and exhibiting organizations, professional unions and associations.
RESTEC is responsible for 25% of the total number of exhibiting events in St. Petersburg, for 32% of the total area of exhibition premises occupied, for 30% of items exhibited. 80% of the exhibitions are conducted for specialists and oriented towards international cooperation, 20% are fairs and exhibits for St. Petersburgers and for the city's guests.
A number of exhibits have been conducted by RESTEC on subject matters that have immediate importance for the city's economy. This allows the enterprise to make a significant contribution to the development of St. Petersburg's industry. Many events organized by RESTEC are among priority exhibits and fairs supported by the City Administration.
Organizations from all regions of the Russian Federation participate in our exhibits. These are the country's largest and most well-known industrial enterprises, corporations, holdings and scientific associations, as well as firms that have emerged on the Russian market recently. RESTEC's thematic exhibits allow its participants and visitors to study the changes occurring in the particular area of the market, to evaluate its tendencies and dynamics, to become acquainted with the newest developments and technologies in the given area. Such exhibits demonstrate most urgent problems in a given industry as a whole and in certain specific enterprises. Large-scale exhibits conducted by RESTEC for a long period of time indicated a trend: exhibitions tend to influence the economic state of St. Petersburg's and the North-Western region's industrial markets, which allows us to claim that the exhibition business is an important area of the country's economy.
RESTEC conducts annual exhibits abroad: in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Finland and Turkey. These events help give an adequate demonstration of Russia's exports and technological potential as a whole, they create optimal conditions for advancing Russian products and technologies to international markets and make it possible to expand the boundaries of international trade, to promote exchanges of experience and cooperation among producers in different countries.
In November 2000 the association has marked its 10th anniversary. This is a time to summarize our results, and these results don't look bad.
RESTEC's flawless reputation and considerable experience in conducting international exhibiting events in Russia and abroad made it one of the leaders in Russia's exhibition business. This is indicated by the fact that four RESTEC exhibits have been awarded the UFI (International Union of Fairs) sign. Twelve exhibits have been awarded the AEF (Association of Exhibits and Fairs) sign.
Over its 10 years of work RESTEC has conducted 371 exhibiting events covering 60 areas of human activity. 20,000 organizations from 50 countries of the world participated in the exhibits. Specialists from all over the world come to visit our events: over 10 years our exhibition projects were visited by over 3,000,000 people. 2,606,900 among these are specialists. The status of our visitors has changed over years. In 1991 only 5% of the specialists visiting our events represented high administrative positions, while by the year 2000, 47% of RESTEC's guests were representatives of federal and local governments, leaders of large enterprises, heads of unions and associations, and members of international delegations. RESTEC has conducted over 500 seminars and round tables, 20 international forums, 100 conferences and symposiums on topics related to each specific exhibiting project, as well as on economic issues in Russia as a whole.
RESTEC is an organization that carries out the entire spectrum of services at exhibits, including building and decorating exhibition equipment, organizing individual V.I.P. tours, ordering and selling tickets to international flights, sending clients on business tours abroad, organizing thematic events and cultural programs, providing staff for exhibits.
Sergei Nikolayevich Trofimov is the current President of JSC "RESTEC".
"RESTEC" Exhibiting Association, Russia, 197110, St. Petersburg, P.O. Box 268, Petrozavodskaya Street, 12
Tel.: + 7 812 320-6363
Fax: +7 812 320-8090
E-mail: main@restec.spb.su
Internet site: http://www.restec.ru/
Tel.: + 7 095 234-5049
Fax: + 7 095 181-6430
E-mail: restec@cityline.ru
JSC "RESTEC" Exhibiting Association's photo album
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