Yakovlev Valentin Mikhailovich
General Director of JSC Autotrans Transportation, President of the
Regional Association of St. Petersburg's and the Leningrad region's
Transportation Workers.
Born in 1941. After graduating from a railroad transportation
technical school he has worked on the Oktyabrskaya railroad system first as
station supervisor, then as station Chief.
After graduating from the Automobile Routes Faculty of the Leningrad
Engineering and Construction Institute, he began working for the
Lenstroytrans construction agency. He has eventually advanced to the post
of an automobile transportation organization's Director. He has been a Secretary of the district Party Committee in Petrodvorets. In 1978 he has
graduated from the CPSU Central Committee's Academy of Social Sciences and
was directed to work at the Leningrad region's Party Committee's transporation department. There he has been one of the initiators in the creation of an
interconnected schedule system for Leningrad's various transportation types,
including railroads, automobile and water transport.
In 1985 Mr. Yakovlev has headed Leningrad's Main Automobile Transportation
Board. The organization has at that time been in charge of all public cargo and passenger transportation in Leningrad and the region. This included 112
enterprises with more than 120,000 employees.
In 1993, following a presidential decree, the Main Board was
re-organized into the Autotrans Transportation Company. Today there are 87
city and regional automobile enterprises and several private companies and
individual enterpreneurs among Autotrans' shareholders.
Since November 1995 Mr. Yakovlev has been in charge of the Automobile
Transportation Services Certification Board. This Board conducts works aimed
at improving the quality of technical services offered to cargo and passenger transportation and issues state compliance certificates.
With V.M. Yakovlev's direct participation the company is constantly
holding seminars on traffic safety and labour protection. Transportation enterprises' management staff is trained at these seminars.
JSC Autotrans' administration is working out the company policy and bringing into the process new computer technologies.
The company also deals with the sales of automobile parts, tyres and
batteries, of other auxhiliary products. It carries out state and minicipal
cargo transportation orders. Enterprises that are a part of Autotrans have
been charged with the task of forming columns of vehicles for military purposes.
Mr. Yakovlev is fond of theatre, he enjoys visiting museums and
introducing his friends from other cities to St. Petersburg's cultural life.
Mr. Yakovlev dedicates a lot of time to social work. He has founded
the Regional Association of St. Petersburg's and the Leningrad region's
Transportation Workers and became its President.
Member of the Russian Automobile Transporation Association's administrative board, Vice President of the Baltrans Association of
Transportation Enterprises, uniting all transportation companies in the region.
V.M. Yakovlev has been awarded the "Veteran of Labour" medal for
lifetime service to the automobile transportation industry and numerous
accomplishments. He has been awarded the "Accomplished Transportation
Worker" title and the "Honorary Automobile Transport Worker" badge.
Laureate of the Russian Federation's Council of Ministers award.
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