JSC "Alma" Insurance Company
A Little Insurance History
A group of merchants, each having an interest of his own in commercial shipping, met once in the 17th century in Edward Lloyd's coffee shop in London. While having a cup of tea, they talked amongst themselves about ships lost in shipwrecks and about the cargoes that have disappeared in the depths of the sea. The decision they came to was as follows: if such a disaster happens, all losses will be split among them. If one of the participating merchants loses a vessel, all the others will compensate his expenses. Since then Lloyd's coffee shop has become famous, for here the foundation of the world's insurance business has been laid. Today it is unthinkable to conduct serious business without reliable insurance in any country of the world, and in Russia above all others.
And Now a Little of Our History
"Alma" Insurance Company was founded on February 18, 1993.
The first license issued to "Alma" by Rosstrakhnadzor state insurance supervision agency allowed it to practice 8 types of insurance services.
Since the very beginning of its activity, the company has been oriented towards the developent of classic types of insurance. Classic types of insurance in the entire world have always, since the times of Lloyd, included cargo and property insurance.
It is symbolic that the first contract signed by us was a property insurance contract. In 1994 "Alma" began carrying out a wide-scale project in insuring regular cargo transportation of oil products. This type of insurance occupies an important part of our insurance portfoilio until today.
"Alma" Today
Today "Alma" is one of St. Petersburg's largest insurance companies. According to regularly calculated insurance ratings that are openly published in the press, "Alma" is always among the top ten companies in the business in terms of financial funds owned and of insurance premiums. It is near the list's top in terms of its payment ability figures.
Branches of the company are operating in such towns of the Leningrad region as Kirishi, Volkhov and Tikhvin.
Current licenses certify our right to provide 20 types of insurance services.
While still specializing in classic insurance, we are constantly striving to broaden the spectrum of our services. A considerable number of contracts in such types of services as high danger enterprises' responsibilty insurance and construction workers' professional responsibility insurance, untraditional for the Russian market, became a part of the company's portfolio over the past year.
Our Foundation Is Provided by Our Respected Stock Holders:
- International Petroleum Products OY company, Finland;
- JSC "Kineks Holding";
- "Infrastructure" investment and finance company;
- JSC "Inkasstrakh" Insurance Company;
- JSC Kirishi Fuel and Energy Company;
- JSC Kirishi Freezing Complex;
- JSC Business Support Fund.
Clients That We Are Proud of:
- JSC "Surgutneftegaz";
- JSC "Kineks St. Petersburg";
- JSC "NAFTA Moscow";
- JSC "Neftezavodmontage";
- JSC Kirishi Auto Service;
- "St. Petersburg Rennaisance" construction corporation;
- Sports construction complex on Gagarin Prospect;
- Kirishi Biochemical Factory;
- "Inprokom" holding;
- JSC "StroiMontageService";
- "Spetstonnelstroy" bridge construction complex;
- The railroad system's Volkhov division;
- And many, many others…
Main Directions of Our Insurance Activity
Cargo insurance: occupies a central position among our insurance operations. Insurance services are carried out on the basis of standard terms, developed by the Institute of London's Insurers, and provides three versions of insurance protection:
- With responsibility for all risks ("À");
- With responsibility for private accidents ("Â");
- Without responsibility for damages, except for cases of wreckage ("Ñ").
Cargoes transported to any location of the world by any type of transportation may be insured. Insuring property of enterprises and organizations guarantees stability and well-being in any business. Buildings, offices, production premises, technical equipment and materials, furniture and electronics: all this may be insured using the optimal scheme of insurance protection, taking into consideration the specifics of the particular economic area. Payment of insurance premiums by an installment plan is possible. Insuring the risks related to construction and montage works is usually a necessary condition for any construction contract to be signed. The insurance covers the compensation of damage done to construction and montage objects, as well as the compensation of harm afflicted on any third party as a result of construction works.
Insuring construction workers' professional responsibilty is an obligatory requirement to receive a license for construction activity. An insurance contract is signed with the consideration of Russia's Gosstroy state construction agency's suggested optimal tariff rates.
Vadim Eduardovich Yanov is the current General Director of JSC "Alma" Insurance Company.
"Alma" Insurance Company's photo album
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