Zlydnikov Mikhail Dmitrievich
Director General, Joint-Stock Company “Russian Farmer” World Fair.
Born in 1951, in Leningrad, in a family of hereditary doctors. His grandfather was the director of a tuberculosis institute; his grandmother - the head physician of the children’s hospital named after Tsymbalin. His father was one of the founders of the Grippe Institute, his books still teach medical students. His mother has been working in the clinical laboratory of the I Medical Institute for more than 50 years. So, Mikhail Zlydnikov was destined to become a physician. But he chose another way. After finishing of the Physical and Mathematical School No. 157 attached to the Russian Academy of Science, Zlydnikov decided to serve his Motherland and entered a naval school, choosing one of the most difficult combat arms - underwater troops. Having graduated from the School in 1974, Zlydnikov served in the North Navy. Cold waves of the Barents Sea and severe cost of the Arctic Ocean became his home. In 1979 Zlydnikov was moved up to transfer his knowledge and experience to cadets. He was in command of a company and did some teaching: many cadets are still arriving and phoning with gratitude. Having served for 21 year in Navy, in the rank of a lieutenant commander, Zlydnikov resigned.
His first victory in civil service, which much defined his future business activities, was establishing of a tennis complex. Than there was building of a covered sport complex, construction of hangars of metallic structures and first supplies abroad, to Poland.
Everything went on well, but his soul asked for more. Knowledge obtained in business schools, both in Russia and abroad, required some application. and in the end of 1991, during the coupon system for most of food products, he established and headed an organisation “Russian Farmer” World Fair. “Russian Farmer” World Fair has been held in Lenexpo in the end of each summer for already 8 years. It is treated as a holiday for the citizens, the holiday, which helps people to live.
Since 1996 “Russian Farmer” World Fair, headed by Zlydnikov, has been organizing national stands and present Russian enterprises at the largest world exhibitions: “Green Week” (Germany), “Royal Show” (England), “Paris - World Salon”, where Russian enterprises conclude contracts for millions dollars supply. This are new technologies and equipment for companies, new work places and rise in salary, additional taxes into the federal budget and improvement of Russians’ life. Representing Russia at world exhibitions, Russian Delegation defends the honour of the country, demonstrating that it is able to feed itself by her own.
Mikhail Zlydnikov has three state awards: a medal of the Order “For Merits for Homeland of II category”, a medal “300-year Anniversary of the Russian Fleet”, a Zhukov’s medal.
But the most big award is his family’s pride - his wife, three daughters and son’s - and gratitude of Petersburgers for the annual harvest festival called “Russian Farmer”.
Photo album of JSC “Russian Farmer” World Fair
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