Chubais Anatoly Borisovich
Anatoly Chubais was born on 16 June 1955 in the town of Borisov, Belarus. His parents were Russian and his father served in the military.
In 1977, Chubais graduated from the Leningrad Togliatti Institute of Economics and Engineering and worked as an assistant engineer for five years after finishing his studies.
From 1982 to 1990 Anatoly Chubais lectured at the Leningrad Institute of Economics and Engineering, and defending his doctoral dissertation on "The Methods of Planning Management Improvements in Industrial Science and Research Institutes" in 1983. During this time (1984-1987), Chubais also led the Informal Group of Young Economists set up by a group of graduates of Leningrad higher schools of economics.
In 1987, Chubais, together with his colleagues, established the club “Perestroika,” which sought to promote democratic into wider intellectual circles.
In 1990 Anatoly Chubais began his political career when he was appointed Deputy Chairman and subsequently promoted to First Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad City Council Executive Committee, where he served as the Mayor’s chief advisor on economic policy.
In November 1991, Chubais was appointed to his first national-level ministerial post when he was named Chairman of the Russian Federation Committee on State Property Management.
In June 1992, by a decree of President Yeltsin, Chubais was appointed Deputy Prime Minister. In 1992 the Committee on State Property Management, headed by Chubais, developed Russia's privatisation programme and techniques for its implementation.
In June 1993, Anatoly Chubais took part in establishing the democratic bloc "Russia's Choice."
In December 1993, he was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma (Lower House of parliament) as a representative of "Russia's Choice".
From November 1994 to January 1996, Chubais served in Viktor Chernomyrdin's Government as First Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Policy.
From April 1995 through February 1996, he also fulfilled the duties of Russia's Envoy to International Financial Institutions.
In February 1996, Chubais set up a foundation called Civil Society, which served as the basis for establishing an analytical group within Yeltsin’s pre-election headquarters. Headed by Chubais, this group played a key role in carrying out a pre-election campaign to re-elect Yeltsin as President of Russia.
In June 1996, Chubais was appointed Head of the Presidential Administration by Presidential Decree.
Also in June 1996, Chubais set up another foundation – The Center for the Protection of Private Property.
In March 1997, Anatoly Chubais was appointed the dual post of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. He was voted the Best Finance Minister of the Year in 1997 by poll of the world's leading financiers surveyed by Euromoney magazine.
In April 1997, Chubais was named Russian Federation Envoy to the World Bank and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).
In November 1997, he was relieved of his duties as Finance Minister but kept his position as First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
From May 1997 to May 1998, Chubais served as a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
In March 1998, he was dismissed from the post of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation along with the entire Chernomyrdin Government.
In April 1998, Anatoly Chubais was appointed Chairman of the Management Board of RAO Unified Energy System of Russia (UES) Board of Directors.
In May 1998, Chubais was named Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the Baltic Ring Electricity Project.
In June 1998, he was confirmed as the Chairman of UES's Management Board at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, (however he continued to serve as Russia's Envoy to International Financial Institutions in June-July 1998).
In December 1998, Chubais joined the organizers of the political coalition "Right Way"(Pravoe Delo) and was elected to the coordination council of the organizing committee where he led a commission to organize the work of the coordination council.
Anatoly Chubais is married and is the father of a son and daughter.
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