Seleznev Gennady Nikolayevich
Chairman of Russian Federation's Federal Assembly's State Duma.
Born November 6, 1947 in the town of Serov, Sverdlovsk (present-day Ekaterinburg) region. Attended a professional technical school, worked at one of Leningrad's industrial enterprises, served in the military. Graduated from Leningrad State University's Faculty of Journalism in 1971. Worked in Leningrad regional Komsomol organization from 1968 to 1974.
Worked as Assistant Editor and Editor of "Smena" newspaper in Leningrad.
Since 1980: First Deputy Chief of Moscow Komsomol Central Cemmittee's Department of Propaganda and Agitation.
From 1981 till 1988: Chief Editor of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" newspaper.
From 1988 till 1991: Chief Editor of "Teacher's Newspaper".
From 1991 till 1993: Chief Assistant Editor, Chief Editor of "Pravda" newspaper.
Elected deputy of the State Duma under the Communist Party of the Russian Federation listing in December 1993, occupied the position of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma's Committee on Information Policy and Communications from January 1993 till January 1995. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma's first assembly since January 1995.
Elected deputy of the State Duma's second assembly in December 1995. Chairman of the State Duma's second assembly since January 17, 1996. Chirman of the State Duma's third assembly since January 19, 2000.
G.N. Seleznev conducts extensive international activity. He acts as Chairman of Russia's and Belorussia's Parliament, Co-chairman of the Russian Federation's Interparliamentary Group, Deputy Chairman of the European Council's on Safety and Cooperation Parliamentary Assembly, member of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly's Council, Deputy Chairman of the Interparliamentary Committee of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation and Tajikistan.
Awarded a number of state prizes.
In command of English.
Married, has a daughter.
Lives and works in Moscow.
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