Azarov Nikolai Nikolayevich
President and General Director of JSC First Confectionery Complex "Azart".
Born in 1937 in Kaluga region. His father died during the Finnish campaign in 1939. His mother was left alone with three children. War and hunger were among Nikolai Azarov's everyday childhood experiences. His autobiography lists basic dates and events in a rather dry manner: graduated from school with honors, received intermediate technical education, worked as a mechanizer, served in the Northern Fleet, studied in the Technical Academy of Forestry in Leningrad. Later he worked for many years at constructor's and engineering positions with constant career advancement: construction engineer, senior engineer, head of a construction group, Chief Constructor of "Lenteplopribor" Factory, Director of "Burevestnik" Factory, Chief Engineer of Krupskaya Confectionery Industry Association, Chief Engineer of a television factory, General Director of First Confectionery Complex, professor at Kuban University (Department of Fat Technology), professor at the Public Academy of Health and Ecology, author of numerous confectionery products' patents.
Sharing the fate of millions of his contemporaries, Azarov has realized early in his life that true respect and authority is achieved only by one's personal qualities. "To be first among one's equals" became his life's motto.
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