Bolloev Taimuraz Kazbekovich
General Director of the OAO "BALTIKA Brewing Company". Born on February 28, 1953 in a teachers' family. In 1980 graduated from the Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry with a major in brewing technologies and production. "Beer has always been the national drink for the Osetins, just as wine and koumiss - for Georgians. For centuries beer has been brewed in our villages, and I had been rather resolute about my professional choice since adolesence." says the director of "BALTIKA". Taimuraz Bolloev began his career as a shift supervisor of a malting shop at the Stepan Razin plant in Leningrad, which produced non-alcoholic beverages in addition to brewing beer. Later on he became the deputy shop director, then the director of the bottling shop, and the plant's chief brewer. In August of 1991 Taimuraz Bolloev came to work at an unfinished "BALTIKA" plant, which has been standing idle for 18 days due to the lack of raw materials. A highly qualified brewer, Taimuraz Bolloev created a company that has increased its production volume 18 times over the last 8 years, and now brews 492 million litres of beer yearly. In 1998 "BALTIKA" became the largest tax payer in Saint-Petersburg. The company employs over 3000 workers on its two plants (in 1997 the control package of the "Don Beer" company stock in Rostov was acquired and 25 million $US were spent on the plant's modernization), and is currently building a malting plant - the largest one in Europe. The autopark owned by "BALTIKA" consists of 200 cars and is used for delivering the product to distributors. "BALTIKA" is the leader in beer brewing in Russia and one of the largest investment projects of the Russian Federation food industry complex. Just in the time period from 1993 to 1998 capital investments in the development of production have totaled 222 million $US. In April of 1999 a new technological complex, worth 65 million $US was introduced at the plant. It includes a boiler complex, supplied with equipment that excludes the possibility of the product being exposed to air - a factor crucial for obtaining the highest quality product. A unique bottling line with an output of 120 thousand bottles per hour, a third level of water filtration and a multi-step automatic quality control system are all implements so modern that only several European factories can boast of the same. The high quality of "BALTIKA" products depends on three principal factors - raw materials, modern equipment and the professional skills of the employees. "The brewing of beer reminds of medical science in that there are many directions to be explored. Everyone involved in beer brewing returns to the field - you can only leave a brewery to work at another brewery," - says Taimuraz Bolluev. "BALTIKA Brewing Company" sponsors many cultural and sporting events. The Beer Festivals in Saint-Petersburg, organized with an active participation of the company, have also become memorable to the city dwellers.
Within the framework of the annual "White Nights' Stars" festival a prize from "BALTIKA" has been awarded for the last three years in the field of opera and ballet to the Mariinsky Theater artists. Participation of young artists is the necessary condition of this contest. The company supports Russian sports - for example, over the last three years "BALTIKA" had sponsored the prestigious international hockey tournament, previously known as the "Izvestiya Award". It is currently called the "'BALTIKA Brewery Cup." Music is another passion of Mr. Bolloev. He attends practically every premier at the Mariinski Theater and performances of various opera theaters on tour in Saint-Petersburg. He particularly appreciates Pavarotti and Placido Domingo, distinguished opera tenor singers. The "BALTIKA" radio station and "BALTIKA" breweries are celebrating a three-year anniversary of mutual cooperation.
In his free time (which he doesn't have much to spare) Taimuraz Bolluev takes pleasure in nature, he fishes and hunts, and enjoys cooking. He prefers beer, particularly "Baltika", to stronger alcoholic beverages. It is "Baltika-1" in the summer, darker kinds of beer in the winter, "Baltika-3" in the Russian steambath. He does, however, also like to taste new sorts of beer which appear on the world market. As a beer brewer he is always interested in determining the brewing method by the taste, and to uncover other details of the production process. Taimuraz Bolluev often visits museums, where he is particularly interested in the collections of various antique and national weapons. In the scientific field Sergei Korolev holds Mr.Bolluev's utmost respect, in the artistic sphere he distinguishes his friend Valery Gergiev. His favourite sports are hockey and judo. Taimuraz Bolluev has been decorated with many medals and orders, among them are "For Service to the Motherland" of the second degree, "Order of Honour", and an order of the Russian Orthodox Church. The company headed by Mr. Bolluev has been awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for quality in 1997. According to the public opinion polls in 1998 "Baltika" beers are considered to be one of the leading brands, along with the products of the world's most famous breweries. "Baltika" beer is also the winner of the "Our Brand" contest. The general director of "BALTIKA Brewery" considers beer brewing a strategically important industry which can (as the automobile industry did in the post-World War II Germany) create an economic miracle for our country.
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