Chistoserdov Alexander Vadimovich
President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of
Commerce and Industry.
A fourth generation Petersburger, descended from four Russian famous families: the Tchistoserdovs,
Alexeyevs (among whom is Naidenov, the author of the well known play "Vanyushin's children"), Fokins,
Novikovs. His grandfather was the Chief Surgeon of the Obukhovo hospital, and his father - a Rear
Admiral, Academician, Chief Artillery Officer of the USSR Navy.
Mr. Tchistoserdov lost his father at the age of five and at fifteen was already working as a
turner apprentice at the Sverdlov Factory. After graduating from school No.222 (Peter-Schule),
despite a great leaning towards music, he chose the instrument-making faculty of the Shipbuilding
Institute, which he graduated from in 1970. Thereafter he was an engineer and a researcher in
the "Gidropribor" Research Institute, a correspondence post-graduate student, a student of
the Advanced Training Institute for the employees of shipbuilding industry. Results came in
the form of developments in the field of rocket mine technology, over 20 scientific papers, dissertation
on the subject "Impact resistance of aviation rocket-launched mines landing on water". In 1976
he was awarded the title "Best Young Scientist of the USSR".
During his work in the shipbuilding industry, Mr. Tchistoserdov developed an interest in economic
issues. He graduated from the correspondence branch of the Academy of Management in three years
and prepared a dissertation on the problems of improving the business mechanism of foreign
economic activity. Shortly after came an invitation to work with the industrial transportation
department of the Vyborgsky district committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,
then with the Leningrad regional committee. Over the years of working for the party
organizations, much was conceived and implemented and a vast experience of economic-organizational
activity was accumulated, in particular, in the areas of foreign economic activity.
In 1989, Mr. Tchistoserdov was elected the President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce
and Industry. All subsequent years have been linked to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
the work in which is viewed as key to his personal life and professional activities. As the
result of this work the Chamber of Commerce and Indusstry of the Russian Federation
accredited the St. Petersburg Chamber, the first Chamber in Russia, and the functioning
of the Chamber was acknowledged as "corresponding to, and in some aspects exceeding, the major
requirements established in the system of the Russian Federation Chambers of Commerce
and Industry".
Mr. Tchistoserdov considers the repairs and renovations of the Bariatynskiy's Palace,
where the Chamber is currently located, to be a contribution by the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry to the rebirth of St. Petersburg. As a result of repairs and renovation
carried out, the Bariatynskiy's Palace has been put on the "List of Objects of Historical
and Cultural Heritage of Federal (All Russia) Importance".
Mr. Tchistoserdov associates his life, work and future with the St. Petersburg Chamber: plans
and major directions of activity for the next three years have been elaborated, the main aim
of which is to streamline the provision of services to members and clients of the Chamber
and to facilitate the development of entrepreneurial activity and foreign trade relations.
This work will be carried out in close collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
of the Russian Federation, other Russian Chambers, state bodies.
"I hope that the work of the Chamber, as up to now, will assist in creating favourable conditions
for civilized business as well as for the development of economic, scientific and technical
relations of Russian entrepreneurs, thus serving the cause of the rebirth of the Russian e
Music is a major hobby for Mr. Tchistoserdov. He particularly likes the radio "Nostalgie". His
favourite Russian performers are Leonid Utesov, Vadim Kozin, Muslim Magamaev, Sofia Rotaru,
and among foreign performers he prefers Presley, Armstrong, Sinatra, Madonna, Iglesias,
Humperdinck, and the Beatles. His favourite classical composers are Vivaldi, Mozart,
Chaikovsky and Kalman. Mr. Tchistoserdov himself sings romances, Soviet songs and enjoys
playing the piano.
Over the last few years Mr. Tchistoserdov has developed an interest in photography and
taking video films of the countries he travels to, although he is just as happy to
film St. Petersburg and its suburbs.
At weekends and holidays Mr. Tchistoserdov enjoys cooking borsch and Greek style fish.
His favourite drinks are whisky, gin and red wine. Having smoked for 33 years, it is
now more than a year since he gave up smoking.
Mr. Tchistoserdov considers the work of Stanislav Alexeyevich Smirnov, President of the Chamber
of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and Shamil Rakhimovich Ageyev, President
of Tatarstan Chamber, as the most successful.
Mr. Tchistoserdov regards Lomonosov, Einstein, Korolev, Keldysh and Zinoviev to be outstanding
figures in the field of science and Shakespeare, A.K.Tolstoi, Sholokhov, Mayakovsky, Yessenin
and Chaplin to be outstanding figures in the field of culture and art.
In sports, Mr. Tchestoserdov has high regard for Crunff, Beckenbauer, Pele, Streltsov, Yashin,
Salnikov the swimmer, Vlasov the weightlifter, and the coaches Tikhonov, Kondrashin and
In Mr. Tchistoserdov's opinion a great role in modern politics has been played by Reagan
(for the USA), Mitterand (for France), Kohl (for Germany), and Deng Xiao Ping (for China).
Mr. Tchistoserdov has been awarded the Order of Merit as well as with the Medals
"For Labour Valour" and "300 years of the Russian Fleet".
Mr. Tchistoserdov sees his contribution to the future of St. Petersburg in the active
promotion of civilized business in the city, in the rebirth of large industrial plants and in
the establishment of small businesses.
"It is hard to predict what events might take place in the near future in Russia but I
would like to believe that we can build a society of accord, stable equilibrium and
development and a society of convergence. I would like to hope that the leaders of
our country will, in their aspirations and decisions, direct their attention to the
wide mass of the population and that they will adhere to generally accepted moral principles
of good, justice and will bear in mind Russian historical and cultural traditions and,
above all, the spirit of collectivism and the principle of good council, which have
time and again helped our people through difficult times, as well as the national pride and
dignity of the Russian people", considers Mr. Tchistoserdov.
Ul. Tchaikovskogo 46-48, 273-48-96.
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