JSC "Trust-36" is registered in Administration f Kuybyshevsky district of St. Petersburg. Registration number 363 of the sixth of April 1993, registration record 2430.
- 56 natural persons (present and former workers of the company), holding 80% of its shares;
- 1 juridical person - public corporation Leningrad's producing, building and assembling union (LPBAU), holding 20% of the company's shares.
JSC "Trust-36" has licenses for following jobs:
- general contractor
- customer-builder
- geodesic work at building site
- engineering services
- mediation in building
- cargo transportation
- lifters designing
- production of certain kinds of building materials.
JSC "Trust-36" kept the succession of former state enterprise, one of the largest building companies in Leningrad, in construction work organizing , ties with the city's authorities.
Trust-36, founded in 1944, constructed a turbine shovels plant, JSC "Admiralty plant", "Krasny Khimik" plant, "Vozrojdeniye" factory, "Neva" industrial complex, apartment houses in Gorbunky village in Lomnosovsky district and in Kommunar town in Leningradskaya oblast.
Since 1993 Trust-36 has been building apartment houses in different parts of the city.
In 1996 construction of a 600-flat house at Engels avenue was finished, in 1998 a 70-flat house at Sikeyros street was built, in 1999 - a 185-flat house at Zvezdnaya street and a 54-flat house at Dybenko street were finished, and an 80-flat house at Kachalova street was constructed in the third quarter of 2000.
Apartment houses being built:
- Kachalova street (2nd turn), 60 flats, start-up 4th quarter of 2001
- Dybenko street (2nd turn), 178 flats, start-up 2nd quarter of 2001
- Engels avenue, 104 flats, start-up 4th quarter of 2001
- Square 23 south of Volkovka river, 120 flats, start-up 3rd quarter of 2002
- Barmaleeva street, 43 flats, underground garage, start-up 1st quarter of 2002.
All these houses are made of brick, with free inner planning.
Trust-36 is an owner of offices in the center of St. Petersburg, their total area is 1300 sq.m.; of gypsum manufacture equipment and wall panels production equipment; of plant for three-layer wall panels production and of other building equipment.
Director general of the JSC "Trust-36" is Dvorkin Gilil Moiseevich.
Photo album of "Trust-36"
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