St. Petersburg Union of Construction Companies (Soyuzpetrostroy)
Formation of a large number of independent building companies, collapse of former administrative ties and general worsening of economic state led to a necessity of founding a joint body that would express and defend interests of builders in new economical conditions. In January 1995 a Constituent Assembly was held where 40 building companies came forward as founders of the new public organization.
Today the Union is the largest public association of St. Petersburg's building companies.
The Union's aim is to express and implement the interests of single companies that are included in it, as well as of their common interests in development of the city's investing and building fields, in establishment of legal basis and market mechanism. Hence, the Union's activity is directed at the following problems solving:
- presentation and defense of common interests of the Union's members in St. Petersburg's and Russian government bodies;
- informational assistance in contract works and services receipt for companies;
- assistance in production linkage between the Union's members, publication of the Soyuzpetrostroy's directory, organization of seminars, presentations, distribution of information on companies activities;
- analytical research of the state and development of investing and building industry, of investment projects, of objects being built and reconstructed;
- cooperation with other public organizations, foreign associations and partners, mass media;
- organizational work, conducting of conferences, business meetings, trips abroad etc.
The Union unites different companies concerned with building industry, and helps arrange partnership between them. Besides building companies that are the Union's basis, it involves dozens of developers, insurance companies, banks, educational institutions, auditing services, and others.
The Union's directorate arranges meetings with the city's authorities, publishes "Bulletin of Soyuzpetrostroy" with the information on the Union's activity, "Directory of Soyuzpetrostroy", supports a weekly edition "Petersburg building", magazines "Development", "Petersburg's building market", "Building and city economy of St. Petersburg and oblast", "Industrial and building review", "Construction". The Union is one of the founders of Expert Council for building industry enterprises reliability determination, recommends the most deserving companies for decoration with public prizes.
The Union initiated establishment of the city's Council of unions and associations of investment and town-planning industry that besides the Union itself involves also Association of commercial banks, St. Petersburg union of architects, Leningrad association of developers, and others. The Union's directorate is included in city councils and work groups. Since 1996 St. Petersburg Union of construction companies has been a regional member of Russian Union of Builders.
St. Petersburg Union of construction companies is open to new members. Any juridical person regardless of its organizational and legal forms, including representatives of other cities and foreign companies, that carries out any activity concerned with building in St. Petersburg and accepts aims and tasks of the Union, may become its member. For more detailed information contact the Union's directorate.
President of the Union, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Golman Vladimir Mikhaylovich.
Director of the Union, Doctor of Economic Science, honored economist of Russian Federation Kaplan Lev Moiseevich.
Deputy director Pugachev Boris Ivanovich.
Phone: +7 812 273-1238
Fax: +7 812 273-5243
Address: 191123, St. Petersburg, Zakharyevskaya st., 31, 2nd floor. ("Chernyshevskaya" metro station).
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