"Auto Service Technical Equipment of Small Enterprises" research and technology center under the Central Machine-building Construction Bureau
This research and technology center was organized in 1992 and named "Central Machine-building Construction Bureau's Auto Service"
In 1999, after the center had merged with a construction subdivision and with a production base, the enterprise was renamed "Auto Service Technical Equipment of Small Enterprises" research and technology center under the Central Machine-building Construction Bureau.
The new enterprise's capabilities grew and later, besides carrying out its basic functions by fulfilling orders to make equipment for the Rissian Federation's Ministry of Nuclear Energy, the center became actively involved in making non-standard equipment for the country's various industries. The foundation for this activities has been laid when the enterprise made specialized equipment for "Vyborzhets" and "Leto" ("Summer") agricultural companies.
Various independent subdivisions constitute parts of this enterprise:
- experimental production facility with a construction and technology department;
- automobile facilities;
- a housing complex with a recreation base on Ladoga Lake.
Such a variety of activities carried out by the enterprise creates difficulties in administration on one hand, but constitutes the secret of the enterprise's business success on the other hand, because various sectors of business are involved in its activities.
The enterprise is managed in a centralized way, by the principle of single authority.
Employees' initiatives and enterpreneurship are not restrained and often rewarded.
There have been no cases at the enterprise when payments of salaries were delayed since 1992.
The research and technology center presently has orders in its portfolio to make:
- meat-processing equipment for "Samson" meat complex and for "Belkozin" factory (Luga);
- equipment to make paints for "TEKS" and "Gamma" firms;
- equipment for the processing of gravel for "Mekhanobr" Mining and Processing Association's "Tekma" enterprise;
- specialized equipment for the protective processing of books and documents with a special gas mixture (dimer) for the Russian National Library. This mixture can be applied for additional protection of any official documents, contracts, stocks and currency bills.
Two chambers for the drying of timber have been made and put into operation in 1998. A carpentry unit was put into operation in the year 2000.
In the current year it has been planned:
- to enlarge the enterprise's mechanical shop;
- to install a plasma cutting device on the enterprise's pre-processing sector;
- to carry out a variety of orders at the wood-processing sector;
- to output serial products (we are willing to consider any offers).
At the present time the research and technology center possesses a full technological cycle needed to make and service various non-standard equipment in any area of industry. It is also capable of repairing and servicing imported equipment.
Vladimir Viktorovich Khizhnyakov is the enterprise's current Director.
Tel./fax: (7-812) 224-3421
Teletype: 122817 Delta
E-mail: ckbm@comset.net
"Auto Service Technical Equipment of Small Enterprises" research and technology center's photo album
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