Kidanov Vladimir Alekseyevich
Chief of St. Petersburg Federal Postal Services Board.
Born April 5, 1948 in Leningrad in a military serviceman's family. He began his work career in 1966 at Liftremontmontage elevator servicing center as a technician. In 1972 he graduated from Leningrad Institute of Aviation Devices, specializing in electrical engineering.
Vladimir Kidanov has worked as an installer of radio equipment, as an engineer and a construction engineer. Since 1977 he has been working in the city's postal service system. At first he was the Chief of a post office's electric shop, then Lead Engineer and Chief of Smolny Postal Services Unit. Since 1989 V. Kidanov has been Deputy Chief of St. Petersburg Federal Postal Services Board. In 1998 he headed the Board.
Throughout his work career V.A. Kidanov has been awarded 60 certificates of merit. In 1995 he was given the honorary title of "Master of Communications".
At the present time V.A. Kidanov is a corresponding member of the International Academy of Information Technology, a member of St. Petersburg Administration's Scientific Council on Information Technology, a member of M.A. Bonch-Bruevich State University's Council of Trustees (with all privileges and obligations), a member of St. Petersburg's Association of Enterprise Owners and a member of Russia's Association of Postal Service Enterprise Leaders.
Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Newest postal technologies which greatly expanded the capabilities of St. Petersburg's postal services have been introduced here with Mr. Kidanov's direct participation.
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