Kikichev, Nail Gusupovich
General Director of the "Lengazteplostroy" company, candidate of technical
science, The Honored builder of The Russian Federation.
Mr. Kikichev graduated from The Leningrad Institute of Railway transport Engineers, named after V. Obraztsov in 1963. After the institute he worked in Saratov department of Privolzhskaya Railway at first as a foreman and later as a chief engineer (1963 - 67). Then he worked in " Glavzapstroy" (he worked in the number of the building - assembling departments) having been at the head of the section and later - a chief engineer. (1967 - 74). In 1984 Nail Kikichev started his work in the "Lengazteplostroy" company and in 1984 he became the general director. Mr. Kikichev is the author of 38 streamlining proposals and 2 patents, devoted to improve the structures and ecological security of the work of engineering sections, conduits. He is also the author of many publications in different specialized magazines and newspapers, collections, which were published just by the International exhibitions and symposiums. Mr. Kikichev actively works in the scientific sphere, supervises various scientific researches in the field of improving the structures, technologies of work conduction as well as the exploitation of conduits and ecological security. He is leading the enterprise, which was created in 1945, and nowadays 974 workers are engaged on production. Under the direct leadership of Mr. Kikichev, " Lengazteplostroy" developed into a big enterprise, which includes 7 branches. And this is a highly - profitable enterprise for the time being. These are the main activities " Lengazteplostroy", based on:
- construction of above-ground and underground (by trench and entrench methods) conduits such as: heat - conducting, gas, water supplying, sewage).
- building of apartment and industrial houses, highways.
This enterprise carries out different projected- construction works. It produces tubes, units and components for conduits, which are isolated by penopolyuretan; metal constructions.
Also the enterprise assembles automated boiler rooms, electric protection systems, electric cables.
" Lengazteplostroy" is famous for its development and introduction of the newest energy saving technologies, including economical and ecologically pure heat sources in the native systems of heat supplying and hot water supplying. Nail Gusupovich is a recipient of medals and orders and he is The laureate of The USSR Soviet Ministers Premium in the field of science and technology.
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