State Unitary Road Enterprise "Dortekhnologii"
State Unitary Road Enterprise "Dortekhnologii", headed by Mikhail Ivanovich Knysh, was created on May 27, 1997. Today the enterprise is managed by the City Administration's Committee on City Planning and Roads. It consists of a complex of organizations involved in the design, construction and subsequent support and repairs of roads. It carries out technical supervision and laboratory control of the quality of road construction works. "Dortekhnologii" was responsible for the technical supervision of 100% of St. Petersburg's capital, intermediate and current road repairs in the years 1998-2000.
The main directions of the enterprise's work include the creation of design and cost estimation documentation for the construction and repairs of the city's streets and bridges, the coordination of projects, topographical research, technical supervision and laboratory control of road construction works, the creation of Electronic Passports Fund, the creation on its basis of an electronic city map used to develop an automated traffic control system and to carry out road monitoring.
A technology of computerized road construction planning has been created at the enterprise. Engineers use the Softdesk system to develop the needed project solutions on the basis of data received. This method of construction planning has practically no analogues nationwide, according to our data. Our enterprise's specialists have created a number of new software products, allowing to fully automate the processes of initial data preparation and planning, enabling engineers to adopt advanced design technologies. Specialized programs and utilities are used for the automated creation of working drafts in accordance with current standards, allowing to avoid low-productivity manual labor.
The creation of "electronic passports" will accomplish several tasks:
- The representation of city streets, pathways and other operating objects in their current condition on map background
- Complex technical record-keeping of the road system's elements
- Analysis of the current situation and informational support for decision-making
- Dynamic alteration
- Analysis of possible construction and repair plans and choice of the optimal solution. Fastened process of information search and of its transfer to interested organizations.
- Keeping record of the contents and volume of repair works
- Computing actual and reconstruction cost of the street's structural elements depending on their wearing-out level
- Handing out the fund's materials in accordance to established regulations and instructions to organizations needing them
- Secure protection from unsanctioned access to information at data base storage locations and during its transfer among users in networks
Specialists from "Dortekhnologii" carry out all kinds of land surveying and topographical research, including the surveying of undersurface structures. Modern electronics are used for this research. Technical supervision of the quality of road construction works and testing of road materials are carried out by Technical Supervision Board in cooperation with the Road Construction Testing Laboratory. The presence of modern equipment allows the enterprise to achieve maximal precision of measurements in the process of road construction and repairs, and during the final testing of structural layers of the road's covering. The Road Construction Testing Laboratory is staffed with qualified personnel, equipped with testing and measurement devices, it possesses a fund of normative and other required documents for the testing of road materials. The presence of auto transportation vehicles at the Technical Supervision Board's disposal allows specialists to commute quickly to work sites with all necessary equipment. At the present time the enterprise is buying movable laboratories needed to carry out road monitoring and to conduct diagnostic research. "Dortekhnologii" has all types of state licenses needed to carry out works listed above.
The enterprise's address:
RUSSIA, 198013
St. Petersburg
Moskovsky Prospect, 22
Tel.: (7-812) 146-9025
Fax: (7-812) 146-8938
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