Mechanization Department No. 1
Mechanization Department No. 1 was established in 1970. It is a specialized department of building mechanization in the sphere of tower cranes operation and their positioning at building sites.
Besides building in St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast, MD-1 took part in reconstruction of Leninakan after an earthquake, in house-building for oilmen and gasmen in Urengoy, building of cantonments in Belarus and Tver.
The main partners of MD-1 are DSK-3, Unisto, Stroymontazh, Lenspetssmu.
Notwithstanding the lack of economical stability in Russia, MD-1 has preserved its skilled work-team, production capacity and best traditions, annually increasing its output.
The annual volume of tower cranes operation services equals 41 million roubles. Nowadays MD-1 is a large competitive and stable building mechanization department.
MD-1’s share on the St. Petersburg’s building mechanization market comes to 40 %.
MD-1 is the only mechanization department in the North-West Region that have a well-equipped up-to-date base, built in 1989, which is situated in Parnas industrial region. The area of the base is 38534 sq. m. and it comprises the following facilities:
- administration building (1309 sq. m.)
- shop of tower cranes repair (4114 sq. m.)
- shop of building machines and motor transport repair (2461 sq. m.)
Due to equipped base, qualified specialists and relevant licenses MD-1 performs:
- operation and positioning of tower cranes
- maintenance and major repair of tower cranes
- motor transport repair
- rendering of motor transport, structural engineering, metal-cutting machines services for businesses and individuals
- manufacturing of wood articles and metal structures
- electrical engines repair
- repair, adjustment and calibration of safety devices and electrical equipment
MD-1 has a good reputation and a credit among its Customers.
Since 1997 the Director of MD-1 is Aleksey Stepanovich Kyrlig
Photo album of the Mechanization Department No.1
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