JSC "SevZapTransStroy Complex"
"SevZapTransStroy" construction complex has been created in August, 1954 as a structural subdivision of the newly organized Ministry of Transportation Construction of the U.S.S.R. for the building and reconstruction railroad, maritime, river and aircraft transportation sites with all complementary infrastructure in the country's North-Western region.
The complex's staff and production facilities have been formed by the merger of two construction boards of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Transportation Routes, each in charge of important projects in the North-Western region.
"SevZapTransStroy" has built and electrified over 5 thousand km of railroad tracks. The complex's potential allowed it to participate in large-scale national projects, such as:
- Oktyabrskaya Railroad's Computing Center building;
- Sea and river transportation stations with hotels in St. Petersburg;
- Airports in Tallinn (Estonia) and Pskov;
- Concrete sleeper factory in Chudovo;
- Railroad station complex in Tver;
- Buildings of "Promstroyproyekt" in St. Petersburg;
- "Lenvodokanalproyekt" Institute's building;
- Oktyabrskaya Railroad's Computing Center building. This is the largest such center on the railroad system of the former U.S.S.R. The project has been awarded a diploma of the National Economic Achievements Exhibition;
- Sea and river transportation stations with hotels in St. Petersburg;
- Airports in Tallinn (Estonia) and Pskov;
- Station complex in Tver;
- Buildings of "Promstroyproyekt" and "Lenvodokanalproyekt" institutes in St. Petersburg;
- Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School's building in Strelna (known today as the State Naval Academy);
- A complex of buildings of the I.M. Frunze Railroad Units and Military Communications School in Petrodvorets;
- Railroad hospital's ambulatory and lab buildings in St. Petersburg;
- A polyclinic in Velikiye Luki;
- A department store in Tosno, Leningrad region;
- Aleksander Matrosov's museum in Velikiye Luki.
These projects have been carried out between 1960 and 1990, during the complex's growth and peak development periods. The complex has at that time been headed by A.I. Fedorovich, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of a number of high awards in construction.
"SevZapTransStroy" has been awarded numerous Red Banners of the C.P.S.U., of the U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers and of the National Council of Professional Unions, of the Ministry of Transportation Construction. The enterprise was placed on the National Economic Achievements Exhibition's "Board of Honor" list.
"SevZapTransStroy" has been awarded the Red Banner of Labor Order on July 20, 1966.
The transition to the market economy led in 1992 to the necessity of re-organizing the state-owned complex into a joint stock company, headed by Honorary Construction Worker, Accomplished Construction Worker of Russia Oleg Nikolayevich Filippov. In July 1999 it became JSC "SevZapTransStroy Complex", with five branches. During Russia's period of economic restructuring, the complex's geography and work structure has changed significantly. Its staff was reduced to a large degree and re-oriented towards organizing the electrification of Oktyabrskaya Railroad's tracks, where barter trade continued to be practiced as a form of investment.
160 km of double-track railroad line in the area between Volkhovstroy and Podporozhye have been electrified in 1994-1998 under such conditions. A large amount of work has been done on Volkhovstroy-Tikhvin and Idel-Bear Mountain segments, large-scale repairs of Oktyabrskaya Railroad's contact network were also conducted.
Intensive electrification of railroads in cooperation with Baltic Construction Company is continued by "SevZapTransStroy". The complex is simultaneously adopting new technology while building a circular automobile route around St. Petersburg. It participated in the construction of high-speed St. Petersburg-Moscow route and in other railroad projects in the North-Western region.
The complex is currently participating in the creation of an oil terminal in Primorsk.
Igor Nikolayevich Nikonov is the present-time General Director of JSC "SevZapTransStroy".
If necessary investments are made, the complex's significant potential in transportation construction will undoubtedly be in demand.
We are always glad to cooperate with existing and potential clients.
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