Okrepilov Vladimir Valentinovitch
Director General of the Centre for Testing and Certification - St. Petersburg
(Test-St. Petersburg), State Inspector General for conformity and measurements
traceability surveillance.
Born on February 23, 1944. He received the Dipl.Eng. degree in mechanical engineering from
the Leningrad Mechanical Institute.
In 1965 he joined the Radio-engineering Equipment Factory, where he subsequently served
as a metal worker, a technician, a technologist, and a senior designer.
From 1970 to 1979 he was engaged in social work.
He served as Chief Engineer with the Mendeleev Metrology Institute (1979 to 1986), Director
of the Leningrad Centre for Standardization and Metrology of Gosstandart of Russia
(1986 to 1990). Since 1990 he has been holding a position of Director General
of Test-St. Petersburg.
Apart from being a leader of the largest regional body of Gosstandart of Russia,
he successfully performs scientific, teaching and social work. He holds EC.
Dr. degree (1992). He is Professor (1993), Honored Scientist and Engineer of the Russian
Federation (1994), the winner of the State Russian Science & Engineering Award (1997).
V.Okrepilov is Head of the Test - St. Petersburg-based sub-faculty of the St.-Petersburg
University of Economy and Finance. His interests in quality, standardization, metrology,
and certification are evidenced by more than 150 scientific publications in Russia
and abroad.
V. Okrepilov has concurrent appointments as Chairman of the North-West Section for
Economics Development Promotion of Economics Department of the Russian Science Academy,
Co-chairman of Section for Economy, Social Problems, Finance and Planning, St.-Petersburg
Governor's Advisory Committee, President of the St.-Petersburg branch of the Russian
Quality Problems Academy. He is a full member of the Russian Electrical Engineering Academy,
the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy, the International Academy for Ecology, Human and
Environment Safety, the International Information Technology Academy, member of the President's
Council of the St. Petersburg Association of Scientific and Engineering Societies.
He was awarded with the International Friendship Award (1988) and the Standardization
Achievements Plaque.
He is married, has two sons.
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