Pevtsov Nikolai Vladimirovich
General director of the "St. Petersburg Interstate and International Telephone" enterprise.
Born on May 12, 1941 in Leningrad. Married, his daughter is a student at the St. Petersburg State University law department.
In 1964 graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Communications Institute. Upon graduation he was appointed to work at the Leningrad Interstate telephone station. Worked as an engineer, deputy director, since 1972 - chief engineer of the interstate telephone station.
Since 1987 he heads the company.
Author of a number of scientific discoveries and technological developments; for example, he invented the first in Russia coin-operated interstate pay telephone, an invention implemented throughout the country. Has many honorary titles and medals, author of a number of articles.
At present he is the chairman of the coordination council of communication enterprises of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, chairman or member of director's councils in several companies, and participates actively in the development of communication systems in St.Petersburg as well as throughout the North-West region.
As a true patriot of his city, Nikolai Pevtsov organized the sponsorship support of the Radio Technology and Communications Fund, the BDT and the Handicapped Society.
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