Plitko Alexander Pavlovich
General director of "The Foil Rolling Plant" enterprise. Honored Worker of the Metallurgy Industry.
A.Plitko remembers with tenderness the village in Byelorussia where he was born in 1951. Having graduated with honors from a high school there, he had clearly understood his plans for the future and had been realizing them since.
In 1968 he had come to St. Petersburg in order to enter the Polytechnical Institute's metallurgy department. He did not pass the entrance exams, and entered the Professional Technical College #78. In the course of his studies he was trained at the Leningrad plant for non-ferrous metals processing (currently "The Foil Rolling Plant" joint-stock enterprise), and upon graduation has come to work there as a roller. The plant has a 200-year history, and was always reputed as an initiator of new developments in the industry.
July 15, 1969 became an important date for the young man who was to cover the distance from a regular worker to the general director in the next 30 years. He quickly acquainted himself with the proceedings and became the master's assistant.
Then followed the service in the Armed Forces of the USSR (1969-1972) in the North-Western border unit. The army has contributed a lot to the formation of character and willpower of A. Plitko.
After army service A.Plitko returned to the plant and mastered two new professions, studying concurrently at the Leningrad State Polytechnical Institute. In 1978 he became a mechanical engineer. The desire to better understand issues of economics and the mechanisms of finance brought him to the Leningrad State Institute of Finance and Economics. The Leningrad plant for non-ferrous metals processing has merged with the "Krasnyi Vyborzhets" plant. A. Plitko's combination of knowledge and practical experience led to his appointment to the position of a deputy general director for economics of the "Krasnyi Vyborzhets" plant.
In 1989 the plant returned to being an independent enterprise under the name of "The Foil Rolling Plant", and found itself in difficult technical and financial conditions. Over the course of the years that followed the plant's personnel worked on developing and mastering new technologies. On May 25, 1991 A. Plitko became the general director of "The Foil Rolling Plant". His appointment coincided with a very difficult time of economic reforms in Russia. The plant consisted of about twenty cooperatives that were only concerned for their own interests. A.Plitko decisively changed the personnel policy and oriented the factory's workers towards the restoration of the plant. By 1992 the plant was a unified system.
Many obstacles had to be overcome during the privatization of the plant, which was one of the first in St. Petersburg and in the industry to be transformed into a joint-stock company.
A.Plitko had provided support in the creation and development of the computer center and the introduction of personal computers at the plant. In 1996 the status of "Leader of Russian Economy" was officially conferred on the plant. In the same year a research department was created at the plant in order to develop new plasma-based methods of metal processing. Equipment that is harmful to the environment is continually being replaced by modern ecology-friendly machinery.
A.Plitko is consistently perfecting his professional skills - he participates in international conferences, visits enterprises abroad. Over the last five years "The Foil Rolling Plant" and its general director A. Plitko have received numerous international awards for their achievements. The plant's personnel values their director, who managed to not only save the plant from bankruptcy under difficult economic conditions, but also to strengthen it and to open a new branch in 1997.
Currently the plant is the only one in the European part of the country to produce aluminum foil and foil-related products. The plant's production is used in the radio technology, electronic, space industries, as well as in machine building and packaging of a wide variety of products. The trademark of the company is well-known in Russia and throughout the world. The plant exports approximately 20% of its production to foreign countries, among which are Japan, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Italy, Germany, Armenia, Slovakia.
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