Poletayev Boris Ivanovich
General Director and General Constructor of Arsenal Construction Bureau,
a well-known expert in the area of space rocket technology, author of many
science articles and inventions, Candidate of the Technical Sciences,
professor at the Baltic State Technical University ("Voyenmekh"), member
of the Tsiolkovsky Space Academy, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences'
Space Council, member of the "Nevsky Bastion" military technology almanach's
editorial committee.
Born on June 13, 1946 in a family of doctors. Graduated from secondary
school 1964. He has always been attracted to precise and technical sciences.
When time came to choose a higher education institution, he did not hesitate in
his choice of a technical school, although his parents wanted him to receive
medical education.
In 1964 he has been admitted to the Mechanics Faculty of the Leningrad
Institute of Military Technology. Beginning with the third school year, he has
been spending his vacations in construction work brigades, which helped him
financially and, at the same time, taught him many useful skills.
After graduating from the Institute he was directed to work at Arsenal,
where, contrary to his expectations, he found himself on an exciting job that
almost completely corresponded to the topic of his thesis paper, the liquid
and gas dynamics of underwater ballistic missile launches.
He has started as a senior technician and ended up as the bureau's General
Constructor. He has directly participated in the development of many promising
rocket technologies. Author of nearly 60 invention patents, many among those
have been applied in advance machinery samples. He is maintaining close ties
with Voenmekh, striving to improve engineering personnel training, mainly for
the space industry.
Father of two grown-up daughters and three grandsons, Kirill, Mikhail
and Mikhail Jr. Enjoys spending his spare time outside the city, with his
relatives and friends.
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