Reshetov, Nikolay Alexeevich
General director of the Russian Naval Register of Navigation (RNRN).
He graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute by profession of an engineer - shipbuilder.
N. Reshetov has been working in the RNRN since May 1978. For a long time he had been working as the chief of the Baltic Inspection. In 1995 he became the general director of the RNRN. N. Reshetov is the actual member of the Transport Academy of the Russian Federation. He is the chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the RNRN. The RNRN is the classified society, it was founded in 1913. Its sphere of activity includes such things as: classification services, convention supervision, examination of vessels, consideration and approval of different projects, scientific and research work, technical assistance, certification of products and quality control systems.
The Head Administration of the RNRN is situated in St. Petersburg, 13 inspections and 48 departments are in Russia and 2 regional administrations are on the territory of Russia and the Ukraine. There are 28 representations and 23 departments abroad. He is the member of the International Association of the classified societies. It was acknowledged by the European Union, by the Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. The RNRN got the Certificate of the International Association of the classified societies, which acknowledges the accordance of its quality control system with the Association requirements and International Standart requirements. It was accredited by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standartization, Metrology and Certification. The RNRN has the license to fulfill examination by experts of lifting constructions, objects of gas economy. It has the Governmental assignment to carry out supervision in accordance with requirements of the International safe containers convention of 1972 and Customs Convention, regarding the containers of 1972.The representatives of the RNRN are the members of the Russian Federation delegation in the international naval organization, The International Standartization organization and others.
The RNRN is the member of the International Assiciation of classified societies, the member of the International Asociation of Independant tankers` and vessels` owners. The member of the Baltic and International Naval Council. The RNRN has the unique experience in supplying with high standarts of security on the industrial enterprises andin transport. Also it has high standarts in keeping values and environment protection. The efficiant, skilled specialists and the wide net of representations let the RNRN offer a wide range of services abroad, such as:
- appraisal and certification of quality control systems
- examination by experts, consultation and training in the field of development, introduction and certification of quality control systems.
- certification of industrial products
- certification of industrial objects and products which are dangerous for people and environment according to agreements and licenses of the state supervision.
- independant examination by experts according to customer`s orders
- technical supervision of transport and equipment, universal and specialized containers
- certification of non - ferrous and ferrous metals and alloys.
- certification of building materials, food and cosmetic products.
- control of deliveries according to the terms of contracts, supervision of production
- expert signing about a possibility to transport dangerous loads
- preparation and accreditation of trial laboratories
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