Savva Viktor Konstantinovich
General Director of the St. Petersburg Cardboard and Polygraphics Complex.
Born October 19, 1947. After graduating from high school in Zvenigorod
of the Cherkassk district, he was admitted to the Faculty of Industrial Heating
of the Leningrad Institute of Paper Technology. After successfully completing
the course of studies and receiving an engineer's specialization, Viktor
Konstantinovich was assigned by the Institute to work as the Manager of Steam
Machinery at the Kamennogorsk Paper Factory of the Institute. In 1977 he was
appointed Chief Mechanic of the plant. In three years he found himself at the
construction site of the Leningrad Cardboard Factory, that was being built at
the time. He initially worked as the Director of the Heating Section and Chief
Mechanic, later as an Aide to Chief Production Engineer, and finally as Chief
Engineer and Technical Director. On July 23 1996 Viktor Konstantinovich was
appointed General Director of the St. Petersburg Cardboard and Polygraphics
Complex by the company's Board of Directors.
His contributions to the technical development of the factory was
marked in 1983 by the government medal "For excellence in work". His creative
energy, goal-orientation, professional sensibility and experience have
manifested themselves fully during the period of the factory's reconstruction
as a part of an investment program. Under his direct leadership over the period
of three years all of the factory's facilities for the preparation of recycled
paper mass were renovated, several units were modernized, new equipment was
installed, capable of outputting high-quality products unmatched by any
domestic producer on the market.
Today the General Director's thoughts are directed towards the future of
the factory. His activities are supported by the Board of Directors as well as
the workers.
The St. Petersburg Cardboard and Poplygraphics Complex is the only
factory in Russia that has fully modern technologies (operating since 1982)
for the production of recycled cardboard.
Today, a wide selection of the Complex's output is bought steadily due
to its undisputed attractiveness to consumers in comparison to any other similar
products. For instance, the factory is considered one of the best in Russia in
terms of the quality of packaging cardboard, its produce is sold for fixed
prices, delivery deadlines are always observed. THe factory's stable financial
situation allows it to meet the raw material expenses, pay its workers salaries,
all in due time, and still put away money for production growth.
The factory has broad perspectives of growth. It presently
consists of cardboard production facilities producing 200 thousand tons of
cardboard a year, polygraphics facilities (equipped with machinery for ...
and ... printing) processing 50 thousand tons of cardboard (yearly), a (riveted)
cardboard facility. Since the 1990's, a complete renovation of both the
cardboard and the polygraphics equipment has been going on in the factory.
All production is done with the use of modern techniques, on imported quality
equipment, with maximal utilization of recycled materials and observance of
ecological demands. Cardboard produced at the Complex is used to make cartons
and packaging for foods, detergents, make-up, medicines, shoes, toys, and other
household objects. Petro Board Trading company is one of St. Petersburg
Cardboard Complex's permanent trading partners.
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