CMDB Almaz
The history of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Marine Design Bureau Almaz goes back to 1949, when a company designing long-haul boats was established.
The main bureau's activity is designing super-high-speed military boats, amphibious hovercrafts, fast patrol warships and boats.
The history of the national boatbuilding is closely connected with the bureau's developments; separate projects became stages in the world shipbuilding evolution. Application of newest scientific technologies along with effective complexes of anti-ship, antiaircraft and anti-submarine missile arms allowed Almaz to design several generations of high-performance boats and ships.
In 1957 the bureau's specialists designed the world's first missile boat. Taking the experience of artillery and torpedo boats projects developed in the USSR before and during the Great Patriotic War, Almaz was the first in the world to install cruise missiles on fast boats, creating a new class of ships in the world Naval shipbuilding, for which it was awarded with the Leningrad Prize (1961). In 1969 building of a series of small missile ships Molnja was started. This project is the greatest bureau's achievement in development of a new class of warships designed in Russia.
Since 1957 386 fast missile boats and ships of three generations have been built after bureau's projects in the USSR and abroad.
The bureau Almaz is a leading design company in Russia, specializing in designing of hovercrafts (since 1954). In 1988 the world's largest amphibious surface-effect ship Zubr was developed, Since 1969 90 boats after eight projects were delivered to the Russian Navy. Boat of a new generation Murena, Kharza and Chilim can operate as cargo, passenger, customs and patrol vessels.
One of the main activities of the bureau is designing of sea, coast and river patrol boats for the Navy, frontier stations and customs. In 1967 a quantity production of patrol boats of Grif ("Griffin") and Tarantul ("Tarantula") projects was started. In total, 450 patrol boats were built after the war years, including 100 export vessels (to Latin America countries, Africa and South-East Asia). The new generation of patrol boats is presented by the projects Svetljak, Tarantul, Mirazh, Mangust and Yastreb, which operate at Russian frontiers.
In the 1970th Almaz designed and built the world's first missile boat Uragan with automatically controlled deep-submersion foils.
Nowadays the unique missile corvettes of skeg type Bora and Samum, which are serving in the Russian Navy, are rightly considered ships of the XXI century.
Since 1999 a unique patrol boat Mirazh was designed, which held a speed record among boats with displacement 120 tons. Armament complexes mounted aboard the boat along with its seagoing ability (that lets using the armament during heaving) allow the boat to solve tasks of guarding, supporting customs and frontier services, struggle against smuggling, piracy, sea terrorism effectively. A unique system of bilge interceptors and a series of missile boats of a new generation received Russian Government awards in 1998.
In 1998 the West Design Bureau joined Almaz, and works on designing minesweepers, launching, transport and specialized docks, ships for offshore deposits development continued. The adopted program of the Bureau's development for 1999-2003 envisages a complex of activities directed on keeping high professional level of the staff and introduction of advanced computer-aided designing, on getting an international certificate for the existing system of quality management, etc.
By the present moment Almaz has developed a number of super-high-speed automobile and passenger ferries for intermodal voyages by the seaway "Germany-Kaliningradskaya Oblast-Leningradskaya Oblast-St. Petersburg".
Seven foreign and nine Russian shipyards continue to build boats after the Bureau's projects; realization of new projects was started: a corvette of the third generation, "Scorpion", "Novik", etc. Almaz is still preserving its position of a leading Russian organization in designing of high-speed warships and boats, is still making a substantial contribution into development of Russian fleet and preservation of its high status, is still realizing its scientific and technical potential based on a great experience in ship designing, building and trials, on high qualification of its specialists, on cooperation with shipyards and Russian and world's leading research centres.
At present the Head-Chief Designer of the Central Marine Bureau Almaz is Shljachtenko Aleksander Vasiljevich.
The chief engineer of the Central Marine Design Bureau Almaz is Aleksander Mikhailovich Lazarev.
Lazarev has shown himself as a competent, qualified engineer, demanding manager, good colleague. Lazarev is used to deal with wide range of works. Good practical school of designing at the Bureau and building plants allows him to solve the most difficult technical and organizational questions.
The brightest application of his organizational talent was merging of Almaz and the West Design Bureau.
He has invaluable merits in realization of the contract on modernization of export ship, as well as preparation of the contract on exporting of the hovercraft 12322 Zubr.
Lazarev has an analytical turn of mind, creativity approach to solving of technical tasks; he is the author of more than 20 innovations implemented in the Bureau's projects.
High engineering erudition, inexhaustible energy in aspiration for something new, organizational abilities, personal qualities and optimism let Lazorev win authority and respect both in the Bureau and in other enterprises and organizations of the industry, Russian and foreign.
Awarded with the medal "The 300-year anniversary of the Russian Fleet".
Shlyakhtenko Alexander Vasilievich is the president of Central Marine Design Bureau (CMDB) Almaz.
Lazarev Alexander Mikailovich is the chief engineer of Central Marine Design Bureau (CMDB) Almaz. He is trained and qualified engineer, good and particular leader. He worked for different bureaus and dockyards. As a leader he worked on 1241-1, 1241-2, 1234Ý, 1241ÐÝ, 1388Ð, 1206Ò projects. Lazarev organized the first group for automated projecting. Now automated integrated control system for document processing of CMDB and West PCB in one information space is under construction. Also he took part in 1234EM project modernization. Lazarev is the author of 20 inventions. He is energetic and self-motivated. Awarded the medal '300 years of Russian Navy.
Central Marine Design Bureau Almaz
50, Varshavskaya st., St. Petersburg, 196128, Russia
Phone: (812) 296-5502
Fax: (812) 293-4837
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