Shulyakovsky Oleg Borisovich
General Director of JSC "Baltiysky Factory".
Member of the coordinating council of "St. Petersburg Industry" social movement.
Born on September 7, 1946 in Omutninsk, Kirov region.
Graduated from the Physics and Technology Faculty of the Polytechic Institute of Gorky (present-day Nizhni Novgorod) as a physical engineer.
Since 1971 he has been working as assistant foreman, Chief of a shop, Chief Constructor of atomic ice-breaking vessels, Chief Technologist of Baltiysky Factory. Since 1991 he has been General Director of Baltiysky Factory.
O. Shulyakovsky has made a number of valuable rationalization proposals that helped reduce the duration and improve the quality of works involved in assembling and mounting energy devices. He has made a considerable contribution to the construction of various vessels, including those equipped with nuclear power devices. He is the author of various works in the area of shipbuilding.
Awarded Red Banner of Labor and "Sign of Honor" Orders. Member of St. Petersburg Engineering Academy.
Authorized representative of the President of Russia on 1996 elections.
His hobbies include classic opera and science fiction.
Married, has a daughter and a son.
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