Soloveichik Aleksander Mikhailovich
To do the work I love, producing modern high-quality equipment with a group of like-minded partners. My coming to the Leningrad Polygraphic Machines Factory was one of the possible ways to realize my dream.
1. Professionalism and humanism.
2. Only by combining my personal interests with the interests of every worker of the factory in a reasonable way it is possible to achieve maximal results in the factory's activity.
Family, work, sports, art.
A.M. Soloveichik was born May 23, 1945 in the city of Leningrad.
He graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich in 1968.
Worked as an engineer from 1968 to 1970 in the Central Science Research Institute of Measurement Devices and Automatics. Served in the military as Commander's Aide in a technical unit in the Krasnoyarsk region from 1970 till 1972. Worked as Senior Engineer of Glavleningradstroy's Construction Board from 1972 till 1974.
In 1974, when Aleksander Mikhailovich started to work at the Leningrad Polygraphic Machines Factory, his rapid career advancement began. Starting out as a Senior Engineer, he then became consequently Chief of a Bureau, Shop Foreman, Deputy Director of a branch, Deputy General Director of production and exports, and then Deputy General Director of economics and finance.
In 1992 Aleksander Mikhailovich left "LenPolygraphMach" for a short period of time, working as First Deputy General Director of "St. Petersburg" commodity and stock exchange, and later as First Deputy General Director of a factory producing management software systems.
Early in 1994 A.M. Soloveichik wins the "LenPolygraphMach" Stock Holders' Association's administrative board elections in a tough uncompromising race. He was elected General Director of the Association.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, academician of the Russian Engineering Academy, Master of Sports in boat racing.
Laureate of the Order "For Service to the Country" of the second degree and of the medal "For Heroic Labour".
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