Turchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, President of "Leninets" holding company.
Born on July 28, 1945 in Leningrad.
Graduated from the Leningrad Finance and Economics Institute in 1976, from the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Devices in 1991, from the Baden-Wurtenberg Economics School (Stuthart, Germany) in 1989, from the Cranfield Management School (London, England) in 1991.
Worked at a factory and at "Leninets" Research and Production Association. He started out as an assembly mechanic in 1960 and advanced until he became President of "Leninets". Under his leadership and with his direct participation the enterprise was transformed into a research and production external economic corporation and, later, into a holding company. A.A. Turchak made a significant contribution to the creation of new production facilities and organizations on the basis of enterprises of the defense complex. These new organizations made it possible to preserve the association's research and production potential and to develop effective ways of overcoming a recession in production. Mr. Turchak also revived the enterprise's lost economic ties and ensured its stable financial position in new economic circumstances, determined by mechanisms of the market.
Professor of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Devices. Member of the Russian Federation's Lease-holders' and Enterpreneurs' Association's administrative board, Chairman of AOOT "Radioavionika" Association's administrative board.
Member of the International Academy of Information Technology and of the Medical Technology Academy.
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