Tjutin Dmitriy Valentinovich
Director General, Investment and Building Corporation Joint-Stock Company Stroykomplekt; doctor of philosophy and economics.
Born in 1960, in Leningrad.
In 1987 graduated from the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute named after Uljanov-Lenin, the Automation and Computer Engineering Faculty. Married, with 3 children - 2 sons and a daughter. A master of Sports in boar-racing, a candidate for a master of sports in ski-racing, has ratings in swimming and equestrian sport.
After graduation worked in the trust LenSpetsMontazh as a maintenance engineer, then a leading engineer.
Since 1988 has been working in business corporations; has organized and headed several large industrial companies. In 1994 organized Joint-Stock Company StroyKomplekt - an enterprise dealing with construction materials and components supply. At the present time is the Director General of the Investment and Building Corporation Joint-Stock Company StroyKomplekt - one of the largest St. Petersburg developers.
Resent years dedicated to a solution of an important social problem - separating communal flats and settling people from collapsing houses of the St. Petersburg central districts. Directed preparation of the Project, which serves now as a base for city separation and reconstruction programs. Tjutin is the author of several related scientific works and articles. In 1999 was got a Doctor’s degree in philosophy and economics. The theme of his dissertation was «Organization of separation and reconstruction of the St. Petersburg centre housing recourses».
Joint-Stock company StroyKomplekt was established in 1994 and is a private Russian company.
Joint-Stock Company StroyKomplekt has the following directions in its business activity:
- acts as a customer in house-building (development);
- produces joiner’s goods and ironware;
- supplies construction materials and components in a wide assortment;
- performs architectural designing;
- performs complex design projects and finishing works;
- sells real estate.
During its functioning StroyKomplekt is known as a reliable partner. Today StroyKomplekt is one of the leading enterprises in house-building, not only in St. Petersburg, but also in other regions of Russia.
StroyKomplekt successfully cooperates with foreign partners from Germany, Italy, USA, Great Britain and other countries.
Along with the main kinds of activity, StroyKomplekt actively participates in development and realization of various projects related to house-building in St. Petersburg.
For example, StroyKomplekt has developed and has been realizing a socially important project “The Investment Project of Complex Separation and Reconstruction of Communal and Collapsing Houses in St. Petersburg” that envisages creation of a favourable investment climate and is supposed to provide a considerable increasing of investments (both Russian and foreign).
The project provides:
- separation and reconstruction of the St. Petersburg historical districts;
- building of new modern houses, including elite housing estates;
- development of hotel business (building of middle-class hotels);
- creation of pedestrian zones;
- development of mortgage system.
- along with other directions according to the Strategic Plan of St. Petersburg Development.
Joint-Stock Company StroyKomplekt
194355, Russia, St. Petersburg, Prosvezheniya pr., 14/4
Tel.: +7 (812) 515-70-33
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