Leonid Abramovich Vaisberg
Leonid Abramovich Vaisberg was born in 1944 in the Ural region.
He graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1967 and was employed
by the Mechanobr Institute in Leningrad as an engineer in 1968. He consequently
took the positions of Senior Engineer, Sector Manager, Senior Analyst, Lab
Director and Department Manager. In 1991 he became the General Director
of Mechanobr Technologies company. Afterwards he became Vice President of the
Mechanobr Institute, later President of the holding company called Mechanobr Mining Group, Chairman of Mechanobr Technologies' Board of Directors.
L.A. Vaisberg is a well-known specialist in the areas of engineering,
adjustment and operation of mining machinery, especially the kind used for
refinement and classification. He is the author of more than 130 research
articles and inventions in the specified area. There are three original
research papers among his publications. He is also the author of a section
in the basic scientific guidebook titled "Vibrations in Technology", printed
in 1979 under V.N. Chelomey's editorship. His major works are on the topics of
theory, methods of engineering, building and operation of vibration
technologies, including those used in ore refinement. He is the Scientific
Director of a project for the creation of vibration technologies and
transportation. L.A. Vaisberg has a Doctoral Degree in Technical Sciences,
he is an active member of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy, a laureate
of the 1998 Governmental Award of the Russian Federation in the areas of science
and technology.
Married, has a daughter.

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