Zarubin Michail Konstantinovich
Director General, Joint-Stock Company Trust No. 47.
Started his labor activity working at Siberian building sites. After graduation from a building institute worked as a foreman at construction of buildings for a Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences. By that time the young specialist had already shown his excellent engineering training, purposefulness, obstinacy, organizational abilities. His professional formation continued during his work at building sites of Leningradskaya oblast, where he was directing construction of live farming complexes, residential houses and administrative buildings. There Zarubin soon became a chief engineer, then a head of construction and mounting administration.
Afterwards was appointed a chief engineer of 47th Kirovstroy Trust, and then a manager of the Trust. Heading one of the largest Leningrad building organizations, Zarubin did everything in his power for reconstruction and building of city’s military enterprises.
The Trust reconstructed the industrial merger Kirovsky Zavod, constructed new facilities for the plant Znamya Oktjabrja and the shipyard Severnaya verf.
With his engineering and managing talent Zarubin was able to turn the 47th Trust into a unique building organization, which offered a kind of proving ground for new progressive technologies. First of all, this is a pioneering reconstruction of all the city’s engineering services and construction of sewage disposal plants at such industrial merges as Kirovsky Zavod and Znamya Oktyabrya and the shipyard Severnaya verf, without interrupting the production process or reducing their output. This is construction of foundations in a cramped plant conditions by a wellhole method. It is also reconstruction of frame filling without their dismantling, a full ground-based assembly of large-area floors with their further mounting. All these innovations were successfully implemented into the 47th Trust practice thanks to Zarubin’s innovator qualities, an ability to see a perspective, and at the same time his strictness as a director, an ability to assemble a team of good specialists.
Zarubin successfully learned market economy methods. After a long and difficult process of formation Joint-Stock Company Trust No. 47 reoriented its activity to house-building. As the result, by now the company is the fifth among the largest city house-building enterprises. In 1999 it commissioned 100 thou. sq. m. of a living area. The Trust No. 47 is the tenth among companies specializing in general house-building contracts. This became possible after consolidating the company’s financial position, purchasing its own architectural engineering, improving social and economic position of its workers and psychological climate in the team. To achieve these goals Zarubin applied all his wide experience as a manager, new knowledge from his studies in Manchester University (Great Britain).
Joint-Stock Company Trust No. 47 has proven itself to be a company capable to construct difficult and responsible objects quickly and qualitatively.
The trust is constantly executing orders of regional administration, participates in municipal improvements, performs charity activity. All of this is a direct merit of its director.
Zarubin is awarded the status of a “Honored Builder of Russia”.
Nowadays Trust No. 47 is realizing a large-scale house-building program, which envisages erection of inexpensive separate residential buildings as well as building up of the whole block in Kirovsky district.
Collects pictures.
Married, with two children.
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