Shemshutchenko Vladimir Ivanovitch
Poet, bard.
Born on February, 11, 1956, in Karaganda. He graduated from the physical and engineering faculty of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, the metallurgical faculty of the Norilsk Industrial Institute and the Literature Institute named after A.M. Gorkiy in Moscow. Worked in Arctic and Kazakhstan, making his way from a mechanic trainer to a plant director.
He graduated from an accordion class of a music school, plays six-string guitar. Since 1985 has been writing poems and songs. In 1985 he entered Karaganda club of amateur singers “Marianna”. Since 1985 till 1989 he gave performances in duet with the singer Mikhael Gershkovitch.
Vladimir Shemshutchenko was awarded at the XVI Festival of an Amateur Song devoted to the memory of Valerie Grushin. A laureate of many song festivals, a member of jury in the I and II rounds of Grushin Festival and regional festivals. A chairman of authors’ alternative jury of the III All-Union festival of an Amateur Song held in Kiev (1990).
Since 1999 Vladimir Shemshutchenko has been living in Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad oblast. He is occupied with literary activities. He is a member of the Petersburg club of amateur song “Meridian”. His hobbies are volleyball and fishing. The IX All-Union Conference of Young USSR Writers held in 1989 in Moscow recommended him to the USSR Writers Association. Since 1993 he has been a member of Kazakhstan Writers Association, since 1999 - a member of Russian Writers Association. Since 2001 Vladimir Shemshutchenko became a head of the organization “Young Petersburg” established by St. Petersburg department of Russian Writers Association.
A laureate of International Award “Poetry-2000” and Nikolay Gumilev’s Award (2001).
The main publications: Russian School: Poetry (1991); Death Arithmetic: Poetry. -(1990); Feather-grass Smells like Motherland: Poetry. (1999); Continuation: Poetry (2000); Overdose: Poetry. (2000).
Poetry of Shemshutchenko was published in the following magazines: “Prostor” (Alma-Ata), “Moskva”, “Znamya”, “Molodaya Gvardiya”, “Poesiya”, as well as in anthologies “Istoki”, “Poesiya”, “Slovo”, “Sovremennik”, “Day of Russian Poetry”, “I Remember a Wonderful Moment…”, “Day of Poetry”.
[The material was prepared by A. and M. Levitan].
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