St. Petersburg Mechant's Club regional social organization
St. Petersburg Merchant's Club is an association of the city's retail sales enterprises. The Club was organized in 1995 in response to a need for a single information field in the sphere of trade. Over 150 retail stores are members of the Club at the present time.
The Club's monthly meetings deal with issues of taxation, certification and licensing. Comments on relevant legislation are received from governmental organizations that regulate trade and resolutions made as a result of the Club's meetings are sent to these organizations afterwards. St. Petersburg Merchant's Club has successfully participated in the creation of a number of law drafts, such as the drafts of St. Petersburg's laws on trade and on income tax. The Club was one of the initiators of the cancellation of the city's sales tax. Two Club members participated in State Duma elections in the year 2000.
The Club's Hotline project became highly popular among entrepreneurs. The hotline provides explanations on current legislation and gives out the appropriate state agencies' phone numbers to businessmen daily from 10:00 till 18:00. The Club has been making presentations on various trade issues to producers and wholesale companies for a period of five years. The Club has made a total of over 300 presentations to some of the city's well-known companies.
Any retail sales enterprise, regardless of its size or form of ownership, may become a member of the Club if its activities are in compliance with the norms of trade ethics.
Elena Otarievna Tsereteli is the present-day Chairwoman of St. Petersburg Merchant's Club regional social organization.
Tel./fax: 7(812) 114-57-90; 510-42-88
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