Alferov, Zhores Ivanovich
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Science. Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Science.
Chairman of the Presidium of the St.Petersburg Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science.
Director of the Ioffe Physics and Technics Institute.
Born March 15,1930 in Vitebsk.
In 1952 graduated in Vacuum Technology from the Leningrad Ulyanov (Lenin) Electrotechnical Institute. Worked at the Ioffe Physics and Technics Institute as an engineer, as a researcher, as a head of a department. Since 1987 has been the Director of the Institute.
Chief Editor of the "Physics and Engineering of Semi-conductors" magazine.
In 1961 defended his dissertation on the research of bull germanic and silicon rectifiens. By the results of helerojunctions in semiconductors defended his doctoral dissertation and became Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. In 1972 became Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Science.
Outstanding Russian scientist.
Author of the fundamental works on Physics of semiconductors, semiconductor devices, and semiconductor and quantum electronics.
Participated in creating the first Russian transistors and bull germanic rectifins.
Founder of the semiconductor heterostructures and gears on their basis, which are the recent trend in Physics of semi-conductors and semiconductor electronics engineering.
Author of 50 inventions, of three monographies and more than 350 scientific articles in domestic and international magazines.
Winner of the Lenin Prize (1972) and of the USSR State Prize (1984).
Awarded the Gold Ballaniien medal by the USA Franklin Institute, the International Prize at the Symposium on gallium arsenide, the Gold Velker medal and the Karpinsky Prize (Germany).
Honourary Member of the Polish Academy of Science, of the Franklin Institute (the USA), of the National Academy of Science and of the National Academy of Engineering (the USA). Honourary Professor of Havana University (Cuba).
Since 1989 has been Chairman of the Presidium of the Leningrad- St.Petersburg Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science. From 1990 was the Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Science.
Member of the Communist Party from 1965 to 1991. Was elected a member of the Leningrad Bureau of the Communist Party (1988-1990).
People's Deputy (1989- 1991) of the USSR Academy of Medicine. In 1995 was elected a member of the State Duma of the "Russia is our Home" Russian socio-political movement.
Member of the "Russia is our Home" fraction at the State Duma of Russia.
Awarded the Lenin Order (1986), the October Revolution Order (1980), the Red Banner of Labour Order (1975), the "Sign of Honour" Order (1959) and a number of medals.
Married with daughter and son.
Laureat of the year 2000 Nobel Prize.
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