Chavchanidze Evgeni Kirillovich
General Director of the AOOT "I.I. Polzunov Association for Scientific Research, Planning and Production of Fuel and Energy Industry-related Equipment." Born on June 12, 1935 in Leningrad. At present married with one son. Upon graduation from the Polytechnical Institute Mr. Chavchanidze began working at the I. Polzunov Central Boiler and Turbine Institute. He has worked as an engineer, a laboratory director, a department head, a deputy director for research. Since 1991 Mr. Chavchanidze is the general director of an association, the history of which is rooted in the 1920's. It was established in 1927 with the main goal of developing and implementing (in cooperation with production plants) new models of steam boilers and turbines. As a result of over seventy years of research a normative technical basis has been created, and the industry plants are using it develop new equipment. The association currently undertakes a variety of tasks aside from research - such as launching and regulatory works at various energy plants, solutions to ecological problems associated with the energy industry, energy conservation and extension of resources. All types of trials and certification of production are also implemented. The association is well known throughout the world as one of the leading in the industry. The well-developed program of cooperation with Western companies allows to develop prototypes and to modernize existing equipment. Joint companies with Finnish and German partners are currently functioning, and there are also plans to create several other joint-stock institutions with foreign partners. Work is underway on an order from "ABB". Unlike its competitors, the association provides a well-rounded approach to the creation of equipment for electric power stations. It covers a wide range of the energy equipment nomenclature, possesses its own production means and a high-capacity experimental base (including an experimental heat power station). The federal authorities have accredited the company as a trial and certification center for the engineering industry production. The "Resources and Safety of Projects in Science and Technology" center had been established on the basis of the association by the decision of the federal authorities on technical supervision. Its goals include providing safety solutions and estimating the resources of the equipment during various stages of its development: planning, production, mounting and exploitation. The association, just like other enterprises in our country: lack of orders for new equipment, competition from Western and Russian companies, difficulties in modernizing equipment. However, even in such conditions the company finds it possible to keep up with the times: developing its scientific base, maintaining its market niche, finding orders. Mr. Chavchanidze associates the future of Russia with its orientation towards developing its own industries. As for his contribution to the city's future, he thinks that it is crucial to solve a variety of ecological and energy conservation problems on the regional level.
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